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Aastha Shah Manifests Her Dream For 2023!


An eyeful and adroit digital content creator, Aastha Shah has marked her presence in the world
of social media owing to her valor, sagacity, and spectacular backdrop.

A perfect mixture of inspiration and experience, Aastha has garnered over 3,67,000 followers across social media, becoming one of the most sensational reel talents in the country.
Afflicted by vitiligo at a very young age, the ailment turned out to be a blessing in disguise; extending to her new dimensions of self-acceptance, uplifted self-esteem, and enthralling confidence.

Aastha Shah graces our Digital Cover for December Issue and talks about her journey, role model, and influencer industry.

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Ms. Namita Nayyar

Aastha, you mentioned in your Instagram bio ” A girl with Vitiligo living her dreams”, tell us when did you realize that your life was nothing less than a blessing?

Ms. Aastha Shah

 After 6 years of continuous medication, I realized my skin doesn’t actually define who I am. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought there was so much beyond beauty. I went up to my dad and told him I want to stop all the medication and live my life to the fullest. After that day I started eating everything, wearing shorts and sleeveless clothes, basically, I learned how to flaunt my skin the way it is. I decided to focus more on my career rather than my looks. After 15 years my skin condition spread all over my body and this is how I look today but I always imagine that if I didn’t go through all this, I wouldn’t be as strong and confident.


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness Org

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Ms. Namita Nayyar

You have been a source of inspiration for people with Vitiligo, but who has been your inspiration lately?

Ms. Aastha Shah

Winnie Harlow is my biggest inspiration. When I was a child, I saw her on the billboard in Spain and that’s when I told my dad that one day I will become like her. I’ve obviously not reached that level yet but I’ve achieved many milestones to believe that manifestations do come true.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

As a social media influencer, what is one trend you love about social media, and one trend you hate the most?

Ms. Aastha Shah

One trend I love about social media is that you can showcase any talent of yours, even something which people wouldn’t have imagined ever. Sometimes people have such amazing hidden talents and have no way to show it to the world, social media has become a safe haven for these people. One trend I hate about social media is people trying to define ‘beauty’ for everyone. If you’re talented and you don’t fit into their definition of beautiful, they will not appreciate you or follow you.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Women Fitness India talks about diets and fitness regimes, do you follow any special diet? Any diet restrictions myths people told you in growing years that you would like to bust?

Ms. Aastha Shah

I don’t have a specific diet that I follow but my biggest priority is having loads of water throughout the day. I try my best not to eat after 7:30 pm. On really long and hectic work days, I ask my mom to pack some healthy food for me to avoid eating outside but I don’t really restrict myself from eating anything. If I crave something, I make sure to eat it the same day. I have a sweet tooth and I live for chocolates and brownies.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

What comprises your fitness regime? Your go-to cardio workout to burn calories?

Ms. Aastha Shah

When I used to go to the gym daily, I followed intermittent fasting and I also had a personal trainer who would push me to wake up every day and come to the gym. My favorite way to burn calories was the treadmill because I could control the speed and also put music on and just run. I always started my workout with the treadmill.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Being on our digital cover what message you would like to share with our readers who wish to enter the influencer industry?

Ms.Aastha Shah

The first thing I’d like to say is that don’t wait and procrastinate. If you feel like putting up something on social media, do it right now. It takes time to build that confidence but just be consistent and one day your hard work will pay off. Criticism is a part of all industries, it may affect you initially but over time you become thick-skinned. Don’t care what other people think, you do you. 

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

Lastly, one thing that you would like to manifest for yourself in 2023?

Ms. Aastha Shah

Winnie Harlow, the beautiful Canadian model is my biggest inspiration, I manifest to meet her someday and not just hug her but also converse with her about everything we’ve been through. Aastha Shah x Winnie Harlow coming soon.

Know More About Aastha Shah

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of Women Fitness.

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