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Aerial Yoga Expert Aditi Nandy on PCOS, Positivity & Beyond

Being an internationally certified AntiGravity Fitness, Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Trainer and Aerial Yoga Instructor defines Aditi Nandy, who loves to eat healthily and stay fit.

The biggest takeaway from her profession is to see people achieve recovery, health, and fitness through working with the union of the body, breath, and mind!

Check out Aditi Nandy, Aerial Yoga Instructor in conversation with WF President, Ms. Namita Nayyar on her journey to become an AntiGravity Fitness Instructor, tips to master body mind & soul!

Namita Nayyar:

You are an internationally certified, NASM (National Academy of Sports & Medicine) approved AntiGravity Fitness Instructor, 200 hours Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Trainer, and Aerial Yoga Instructor. Share the series of events that led you to become an AntiGravity Fitness Instructor.

Aditi Nandy:

I started my career in the Airline industry, as glamorous as it sounds it has its own disadvantages. My body was constantly put through different shifts, long hours of work, and across different time zones. Though it was fun, it was also exhausting. After a while, I realized that I had to take care of myself to sustain my fast life. However, by then I was already a victim of PCOD, tried allopathy, however it did not work for me at all, I had bad mood swings and I also gained a few kgs because of the medicines. I guess there were a lot of hormonal imbalances. Then my mom suggested that I try something called clinical yoga – that was my first introduction to yoga. It was a three-month therapy, and I am glad I did that because not only did it help with my PCOD but also helped me in relaxing myself mentally. When I do yoga, it is more of a connection that I feel with myself.

And then about two years back I wanted to inculcate some different forms of fitness into my routine, and I started exploring the options and came across Antigravity fitness sessions. I went for a trial and fell in love with the whole feel of working out suspended in the air with the help of the hammocks, against gravity. It is a wonderful and very interesting form of fitness. It has many benefits, such as decompressing tight joints, Core strengthening, relieving pressure while aligning the vertebrae, Performing advanced yoga & postural inversions without neck or back compression, etc.

So, once I began, I was hooked. To me, it is the best medicine for everything, but particularly anxiety and other challenging moods including grief, and depression. It has also shown me the many benefits of my journey to healing. I have grown to understand my body, my mind, and the person I am today. 


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness Org

Namita Nayyar:

You have been a victim of PCOS & gained a lot of weight along with hormonal imbalance. PCOS is becoming increasingly predominant. How did you go about shedding that extra weight?

5 tips for a female dealing with hormonal issues.

Aditi Nandy:

  1. Food – Reduce Your Carb Intake, include Enough Protein at Every Meal, get plenty of fiber, fermented food and limit processed food and added sugar… Adding more fermented foods, greens, nuts, and seeds to my diet. Our gut health affects our hormonal health so much. So fermented foods like homemade pickle, sauerkraut, idli/dosa, yogurt/buttermilk, kaanji, etc are great additions for a happy gut.
  2. Engage yourself in the mindful practice of yoga and conscious breathing exercise. Full 360° breathing and pranayama – Breath is medicine. It aids in rest & recovery, improves energy, regulates our nervous system, builds stress resilience, and so much.
  3. Learn to manage stress.
  4. Being out in the sun every day for at least an hour (either during sunrise or sunset) – vitamin D is an essential nutrient for hormonal health and soaking the sun helps in better sleep as well
  5. Improving sleep habits – Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep is so important for ALL systems of our body, not just the menstrual cycle. No number of pills or kombuchas or deadlifts or savasana can replace the work that sleep does for our body and health.

Namita Nayyar:

Can you attribute the reasons that led to your PCOS & why young girls need to be well informed about the same? Asanas for hormonal balance.

Aditi Nandy:

 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is common among members of the younger generation, with almost 10 million people affected globally. PCOS is definitely a lifestyle disorder. It is commonly on the rise with young girls because of the modern-day lifestyle of youngsters which includes faulty dietary habits and no regular physical activity, spending more time on gadgets, and a lot of stress.

Yes, it’s very important for young females to be aware of it because nowadays, there is a rush to be good at everything and this has probably made young kids forget how important it is to eat right, exercise, sleep well, and have a good emotional balance. The increasing prevalence of PCOS in young girls can straightaway be correlated to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of nutritional food. Lack of exercise, weight gain, and obesity lead to metabolic imbalances, such as insulin resistance. Which can lead to deranged hormones and increase the chances of diabetes and other metabolic disorders in the future.

Yoga has proved to be beneficial and helps in managing hormonal imbalance.  Yoga for PCOS can help open up the pelvic area and also release deeply stored stress and promote relaxation of the mind and body.

By practicing these asanas regularly, women can de-stress and facilitate detoxification of their bodies.

  1. Anulom vilom pranayama – It is a controlled breathing exercise that can help in deep relaxation and eliminate certain harmful toxins from your body. It enables your mind, de-stress your body and ensures improved functioning of your heart.
  2. Suptabadhakonasana -This is the reclining butterfly pose that has proven beneficial as yoga for PCOS. It opens up the pelvic area and promotes relaxation of your system. 
  3. Bhujangasana – Also known as the cobra pose, this asana helps you promote flexibility in your body and de-stress your system.
  4. Surya Namaskar – Known for improving the functioning of your system,
  5. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) – This asana helps in reducing your stress levels and anxiety. Repeating this asana three times will increase circulation to the pelvic region and help stretch various body parts at once- neck, back, shoulders, legs.

Namita Nayyar:

Yoga is a safe space, and it empowers me to push my boundaries” can you elaborate on how yoga practice & meditation can help one gain a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Aditi Nandy:

Stress, fear, anxiety – if we start counting all those instances in life when we experienced these emotions, we may just lose count! Anxiety about an exam result or the reaction of our parents to the report card; nervousness about the first date or a job interview – we all would have lived through these moments. A little bit of fear is normal; in fact, just like salt in the food, it is needed so that we remain disciplined, focused, and dynamic. The problem starts when this fear becomes persistent and so intimidating to start interfering with our everyday life and it turns into an anxiety disorder. Then we start losing all the control we have over our minds. 

This is where yoga and meditation can help overcome anxiety issues with regular practice and breathing techniques. 

The current scenario and the pandemic have not only taken a toll on our minds but also on our bodies. The uncertainty that comes with possible job losses and salary cuts has left everyone in a dilemma. Take time out for yourself, even 10 minutes at your favorite spot in your house, just sit up straight, Focus, Meditate and most importantly breathe, feel yourself releasing the negative energy, and listen to your inner self. Yoga will help you to create that space within yourself where it’s safe and peaceful.

Regular yoga practice can help you stay calm and relaxed in daily life, and can also give you the strength to face situations without getting restless. Yoga practice ideally includes the complete package of asanas (body postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, and the ancient yoga philosophy, has helped people across the globe to lead a life with positivity and strength leading to a healthy mind and healthy body

Namita Nayyar:

Please share your daily fitness routine. How do you kick start your day?

Aditi Nandy:

My fitness is a mix of cardio, Yoga exercises, and Aerial conditioning. 

I get up by 6 and start my day with a glass of warm water and some nuts. I keep it light before a workout. Then start with Surya Namaskar — I do the whole, proper flow. Followed by basic meditation and Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.

I love Ashtanga. I think for me, personally, it really works for me.

Namita Nayyar:

Your daily diet routine? Foods you include & 5 foods you prefer to consume less.

Aditi Nandy:

I begin my day with warm water and some nuts. Then I eat lunch, without depriving my body of anything that it craves. I just ensure I eat everything in moderation. I love homemade food and avoid foods that are high in calories, prefer snacking on nuts and fruits. I keep myself well-hydrated throughout the day with water, coconut water, fruit or vegetable juices. 

Foods I avoid:

Namita Nayyar:

Your daily skincare routine?

Aditi Nandy:

Cleansing of the skin: After removing my makeup, I use a cleanser to clear off all the extra possible makeup or dirt particles from my skin.

Toning: Use a mild, chemical-free toner to help maintain the pH balance of my skin.

Serum: Invest in a good serum or consult your dermatologist for a skin serum that will nurture the skin from within.

Oil: Take your facial oil and gently massage it onto your skin in upper and lower circular motions.

Night cream: Completing the night skincare routine with a great night cream.

Namita Nayyar:

5 key essentials to master & enjoy an aerial yoga class especially for beginners? Can an individual of any bodyweight take up these classes?

Aditi Nandy:

  1. Come with an open mind.
  2. The class can be a fun and transformative experience. But the practice can definitely be challenging, and your body might need some time to calibrate
  3. Focus on proper warm-up and stretching.
  4. Trust in yourself and your trainer, let go of the fear
  5. Learn through the right technique.

The beautiful thing about Aerial Yoga is anyone REALLY can do it. No matter your age, weight, fitness level, etc.

The hammocks are made to support 2,000 lbs. Weight is not the issue, it’s your mind you have to convince. Believe in yourself, make strides to a better you, and for heaven’s sake- love yourself.    

Namita Nayyar:

Motivational quote you live by?

Aditi Nandy:

Accept no one definition of your life…define yourself.

Namita Nayyar:

Message for Women Fitness followers for 2022?

Aditi Nandy:

I’ve gotten better at whatever I do with just two things – consistency and patience. Nothing else worked – being flexible or/and stronger Whatever I call my ‘achievements’, didn’t come easy I make tons of mistakes every day and I learn a thing or two from them. Then I come back and make a new set of mistakes…hoping that one day I would have ticked all the possible mistakes I could make and hopefully the road will be clear for me then.

Patience. Consistency. Mistakes. Are the key to fitness

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