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Management Of Asthma During Pregnancy: New Guidelines Released

Management of asthma during pregnancy

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has issued a practice bulletin for management of asthma during pregnancy. The new recommendations appear in the February (2008) issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Asthma is a common, potentially serious medical condition that complicates approximately 4–8% of pregnancies. In general, the prevalence of and morbidity from asthma are increasing, although asthma mortality rates have decreased in recent years. The purpose of this document is to review the best available evidence about the management of asthma during pregnancy.

Specific recommendations based on limited or inconsistent scientific evidence  are as follows:

Additional recommendations and conclusions that are based primarily on consensus and expert opinion  are as follows:

The ultimate goal of controlling asthma during pregnancy is to ensure that the fetus continues to get adequate oxygen by preventing asthma attacks.

Recommendations for step therapy medical management of asthma during pregnancy are as follows:

As a proposed performance measure, this practice bulletin recommends the percentage of pregnant patients with persistent asthma who have undergone pulmonary function testing.

Optimal management of asthma during pregnancy includes objective monitoring of lung function, avoiding or controlling asthma triggers, educating patients, and individualizing pharmacologic therapy to maintain normal pulmonary function.

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