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Astringents: for a clean & beautiful skin

Astringents: for a clean & beautiful skin

The astringent lotion is used to tone the skin and is necessary to remove the last traces of grease and close pores. Never choose a harsh astringent lotion. Astringent is applied to the oiliest places such as the sides of the nose, chin, and forehead. When blemishes occur, it is good for you to cover them. This helps to close the pores and discourage the greasy excretion from building up too rapidly underneath your makeup. Astringents are for external use only.

After cleansing, an astringent or toner will remove the last traces of dirt, oil, and makeup to clean deep down to the pores. They can also be used to refresh your skin morning and night.

Strong astringent lotions contain alcohol. Surgical spirit, too, is a good astringent but it smells too much. The use of solid astringents is not recommended as they over-dry the skin, leaving it tight and dehydrated. Always use a milder tonic or astringent.

Below are a few homemade astringent preparations for you.

Honey Water

Mix the following ingredients together in a glass jar with an air-tight lid for a week, shaking it twice daily.

Another, honey water astringent can be made by mixing the following together and keeping it in an air-tight jar for two weeks, shaking it daily.

Rosemary Water


Mix all the ingredients together in a large air-tight bottle and let it stand for 48 to 72 hours, shaking frequently.

Lemon Astringent

Mix the following ingredients together in a large bottle for 24 hours, then strain and use for greasy skin.

Camphor Astringent

Mix together in a large bottle ½ cup rose water, ½ cup witch-hazel, ½ cup distilled water, 1 tablespoon camphor spirit, and 2 drops of blue coloring. To make the astringent stronger, add a pinch of alum. Strain and use to tighten and tone the skin. This recipe is perfect if you suffer from large pores and spots. It can also be used as an after-shave lotion by men.

Why shouldn’t people with dry skin use astringents?

An astringent dries out the skin.

Thus, it will irritate already-dry skin, causing it to:

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