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Bhavna Harchandrai October Cover Girl Shares Her Fitness & Success Secrets!

bhavna harchandrai
bhavna harchandrai

Bhavna Harchandrai has been an integral part of the Fitness Industry for 24 years. Having been the Sports Captain in school, sports and fitness were a natural extension of her life and led her to take it up as a career in 1998.

Bhavna headed Group-Exercise at known gyms such as Golds Gym, Moksh, Pure Energy after which she set up her own fitness studio #fitnessfundas at Malabar Hill, Mumbai.

A thoroughly qualified Fitness Professional, Bhavna has completed certifications and courses from Biokinetix, Cirque du Soleil, Zumba, Boxercise, Balanced Body- Pilates, Power Yoga, Power Plate, Starbound (Trampoline Fitness), Penalty Box Training and is certified in Personal Training by American Council on Exercise.

She recently conducted ‘Super Fit Sixty’;  a program catering to the well-being of senior citizens along with Dr. Mickey Mehta, the Guru of Holistic Health.

Her mom and baby workout sessions with her client, renowned designer Nishka Lulla gained huge popularity and were a big hit on Instagram.

Her other notable clientele includes members of the Hiranandani, Dhoot, Chudasama, Goenka, Bhimjiani families, Kamal Sidhu (former VJ MTV),Parizad Kolah Marshall (TV host and model), Amalia Akerkar (daughter of Chef Rahul Akerkar)

Women Fitness India joins her for a candid chat over her journey and fitness rituals she swear by!

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Bhavna, you have been in the industry for 24 years How and when did you start your fitness journey?

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

I am fortunate to have been an integral part of the Fitness Industry for 24 decades, motivating people to lead a fitter and healthier lives.

For someone who has led an active life for as long as I can remember I made the natural progression from being a Throwball enthusiast to becoming Sports captain of the school.

 As a student, I’d save up my allowance to enroll in Aerobics classes when they were introduced to Mumbai in the ‘90s. And while I studied for Travel and Tourism and MBA,

 I consistently kept my classes going alongside. Then while working at Trade Wings and Maersk India, I would regularly see fresh graduates from IIM given mundane clerical jobs with zero time for themselves. Their lifestyle made me wonder how I would be able to manage my fitness regime and career goals. So,  I decided to blend the two and make fitness my career.

A girl, one of the regulars at the Aerobics classes had mentioned that her Uncle owned a Fitness studio and he was looking out for someone to manage the place. I took a leap of faith and I quit work in the Travel agency as well as my ongoing studies to pursue Fitness as a career. Bizarrely enough, she did not show up at the classes after that day. I felt like a boat lost at sea, with no direction or land (security) ahead of me. Thankfully, I managed to get her contact after a month of trying, met the owner and that’s how my fitness journey began….


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness Org

Ms. Namita Nayyar

What do you credit yourself with bringing to the Fitness Industry? What’s your USP?

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

I was the 1st Fitness Trainer to introduce the concept of Boot-Camp training to India (2006). Subsequently, I introduced Trampoline Fitness (2016) and Penalty Box Fitness (2017) exercise forms to India too.

My grandmother taught me that there is no limit to gaining knowledge and whenever I get a chance to learn an exercise concept; be it Aerobics, Step, Boxercise, Zumba, Power Yoga, mat Pilates, Rebounding (Trampoline Fitness), Penalty Box fitness, or chair exercises for seniors, I do a course in it. I believe that every exercise form has its own principles and benefits and there is always so much to learn and integrate into my sessions.

My USP as you can guess is to teach a different class at every session following the principle of Cross-Training. My class format is a fun Zumba style warm-up, followed by a High-Low intensity cardio segment (which varies from cardio- boxing, step, Tabata, aerobics etc)

and full-body toning (dumbbells, therabands, stability ball, etc), core strengthening, and stretches. Every session is different. It’s a great way to inject an element of fun into your fitness regime in a safe, effective way.

I am especially proud of an International Certification by American Council on Exercise (ACE) in 2009 that lead to a subsequent opening of my studio #fitnessfundas for Personal Training and small group classes.

Currently, I conduct customized Personal Training sessions online and I am most excited to introduce fitness for seniors ‘Super Fit Sixty’ with the Guru of Holistic Health, Mickey Mehta focussing on mobility, easy dance, strengthening, and longevity for the age group 60+.

Additionally, I  have recently introduced a YouTube channel for meditation and deep relaxation, free for everyone to access.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Bhavna, you run your own fitness studio in Mumbai, what has been your motivation behind it, and how important do you feel is for women today to be mentally and physically fit along with being financially independent 

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

My motivation to open my own studio was embarrassingly a ‘monetary’ requirement.

I was clocking a full workday at a nearby gym and taking Aerobics sessions post gym work hours for a paltry salary. I had gained the respect and confidence of their elite clientele which was extremely rewarding to me. Once, the gym started defaulting on staff salaries I decided to take matters in my own hands. I cleared out extra space in my house with the help of my housemaid. We physically lifted old tables, cabinets, cleared out upholstery, and such. I invested my savings into purchasing dumbbells, steps, mats; all my savings were maxed out. It was a huge risk to take. I had the verbal assurance of 2 ladies at the earlier gym who wanted to do Personal Training with me; no money down yet. I took the chance and slowly but surely, through word of mouth all my training slots at the studio were full.

My belief is there is no one-size-fits-all approach to your fitness needs. The goal of my studio was to cater to the specific requirements of each client, keeping in mind their fitness levels, workout preferences, any underlying health issues, and goals. I began my studio for ladies only so they are absolutely comfortable working out with like-minded people in a small group. My clients are an extension of my family, we call ourselves a fitness family. Post Covid I began training men and women online.

I encourage every woman to stay physically fit.  Fitting into your clothes well, feeling energetic and young, being actively involved in your child’s playtime and sports, being a good role model to your kids, and the endorphins that a good exercise session brings along attribute to physical and mental well-being.

Being financially independent is also empowering. To know that you are capable of taking care of yourself. You do not need to ask for permission to get anything you want.

Most vital is that it creates an equal platform between a man and a woman.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Women Fitness India talks about celebrity diets and workout regimes, do you follow any particular diet? What is your favorite protein takes both veg and nonveg?

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

Some people eat to live while I live to eat. I am in my mid-forties and touchwood,

 I have never been on any diet and I indulge in a bar of chocolate daily. My husband’s nickname for me is “vacuum cleaner” so you get the drift!

My food habits are very basic, though. I eat simple Ghar ka khana and I avoid cheese, butter, maida, bread. I am also a teetotaller and non-smoker.  I include protein and complex carbs in all my meals which keeps me going. I don’t encourage fad or celebrity diets amongst my clients too and I give them a basic healthy meal plan complimentary with their membership. I must add that right through lockdown, all of my clients maintained or lost inches whilst staying at home.

My go-to veg protein source is Hemp seeds. It is an all-natural protein will invaluable benefits; aids muscle recovery builds immunity, improves memory, aids digestion, boosts metabolism. I ensure that my son gets his daily nutrition from hemp powder blended in curd or discreetly added to desserts too.

Non-veg – I stick to the basics, eggs, chicken, and fish. I stay away from red meat and shellfish (bad cholesterol).

Ms. Namita Nayyar

How do you plan your workout regime considering your busy schedules? How important it is to incorporate cheat days and relax days

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

I follow the principle of KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.

I devote so much time to planning fresh and varied workouts for my clients that I neglect updating my routines often enough.

 I do Hi-Lo intensity cardio and full-body weights on alternate days. (3 days cardio/ 3 days weights)

It is imperative to incorporate a relaxing day so your muscles can reap the benefits of the intense work you have put in all week. A rest day does not mean you lie around in bed all day, it is a day for active recovery. Saturday is my active rest day; I conduct fewer PT sessions, check on my son’s school assignments,  go for a stroll, run errands, clean my house, do light yoga and meditation.

Invariably, Sunday becomes the day of the BIG workout. I do a post-exercise story on Sundays on my Instagram handle called Sweaty Sunday. It’s something I look forward to.

I don’t understand why people keep Sundays as their off-day. It is the day that you have more time to devote to yourself; no work assignments, homeschooling, grocery shopping. Why pack in an exercise session into an already busy weekday when you have a free day on Sundays? Something to think about, right?

Ms. Namita Nayyar

 You recently turned author for your own upcoming book, tell us more about it

Ms.Bhavna Harchandrai

‘5 Fingers of Fitness ’ is a book of many firsts. It is the first Fitness Love Story, the first book that makes you completely exercise independent- with tear and keep exercise schedules- right from walking tables to interval training to the gym and home workouts, the first ‘Fashion meets Fitness’ book that showcases trendy exercise/ gym wear and most importantly the first-ever book to use QR codes, so you can scan and watch short clips of exercises demonstrated.

The book is due to be released in November (fingers crossed!) and I am beyond excited to introduce my FIRST book of FITNESS FIRSTS! (with a surprise desi-tadka added to the script)

The book is a summary of my collective experiences and learnings from my childhood to date… and I promise you it will be an interesting and ‘mazedaar’ read.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

What is the change in people’s workout habits post-Covid? Workout tips for covid warriors

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

Covid did away with over-crowded gyms and packed fitness classes. People started working out at home so workouts became more hybrid. They became more high-repetition and low-resistance since we were working out with our body weight and the light apparatus – dumbbells, bands or things lying around at home during lockdown. Also, the initial fear and uncertainty of Covid made people introspect…workouts became more centred. People moved to yoga, pilates, even Zumba, dance, boxercise because they wanted to just feel good; it was a trying time for all of us.

A positive take-away from Covid was that self-care, balance and introspection became an integral part of workout regimes. Ego lifting and extreme workouts were done away with and ‘immunity’ and ‘moderate-intensity’ workouts became key words. Covid made us realise that anything extreme; be it exercise, diet or stress is detrimental to our well-being.

My piece of advice to Covid warriors is to listen to your body. Being a Covid survivor is one thing while  full and complete recovery from Covid is another aspect altogether. Post-Covid heart issues, clotting disorders, shortness of breath , brain fog, muscle fatigue and many more complications indicate that we must not rush into exercise regimes post the 14 day period. It can take months to fully recover, so start off slowly, gradually and build-up on strength and stamina over a period of time. Additionally, I vouch for adding hemp-seed powder to your diet to help with post-Covid recovery.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Being the cover girl for Women Fitness India, you are an inspiration to many young and mature women, advice you would like to give on prioritizing fitness and staying active ?

Ms. Bhavna Harchandrai

It is my privilege to be the cover girl for Womens Fitness India. I hope to be an inspiration to all the working women, mothers, the 40+ league of women who strive to balance their responsibilities at home, with kids, at work and play the roles of dutiful bahus and sassy, beautiful wives all in one big package.

Staying fit and active no matter what your age gives you the mental strength to perform better in life at work and socially , to overcome adversities and deal with daily challenges. Especially now, during lockdown when everyone was cooped up at home it became all the more important to keep active (body and mind). A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. I advice everyone to exercise regularly, to feel good about themselves and look at life with a positive outlook.

Know More About Bhavna Harchandrai

Grab Her Cover Issue

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

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