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Parul Kakad Fit Mom Of Four, Blogger & Entrepreneur.

parul kakad

It literally takes a village to raise the kids, but what about raising a village itself. Mumbai blogger Parul Kakad seems to have knocked that one right out of the park, something that did not come easy to this mum of four. She talks about the highs and lows of her motherhood journey.

She recently started blogging and runs a page called Mumbai Mummy on Instagram and Facebook. And have recently realized how much she has to say and talk about my motherhood journey.

Parul’s journey through 9 pregnancies and 5 miscarriages has taught her a lot as a mom and now she would love to spread and talk about anything and everything a mom can go through, with her experiences.

Women Fitness team catches up with her in a candid conversation about her journey, fitness, diet, beauty in a candid conversation!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You are a well-known mommy and lifestyle blogger today? Tell us how did the journey begin for you and what inclined you towards starting a blog for moms.

Ms. Parul Kakad:

Honestly, it’s taken me four kids to even begin writing about my journey. I always wanted to but wondered if I should, since there tons of mommy bloggers, How do I even stand a chance to make a difference?

I was going through a lot internally but never had the courage to talk about it. Until online platforms became open about discussing mental health, fitness, miscarriages. Everything that I was going through simultaneously

This is when I realised that there’s so much, I need to talk about, and share.  At first, I started responding to women via my Instagram DMs, who had gone through similar things as me and realised I’m not alone in this journey. There are tons of women who are going through so many of these things and suffering silently.

I wanted to give a voice to that and tell them, motherhood is much more beautiful than all these issues we go through, that we can overcome. There is always a light at the end of that tunnel, and in order to shine, you sometimes have to go through darkness.

I call it “your own personal revolution”.


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness Org

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Motherhood is itself a full-time job, being a mother of 4 kids, introduce us to a day in your life

Ms. Parul Kakad:

It’s only a full-time job if you’re paid for it. You become a mother out of choice not compulsion. Every woman has a right to what she wants in her life. All she has to do is have a voice of her own. Apart from what I just said. There isn’t a typical day in our lives. But I am a sucker for routine. At least for bedtime and meals.

A good night’s rest and food on time just makes for happy and satisfied children.

With this pandemic year, I’ve learnt so much more about kids and their temperament. That made me realise how much structure you need to have in a day. E-schooling has driven me nuts, but I guess we’ve all figured our way around that too.

At my house there’s a “no gadget rule” post school from Monday to Friday. No iPads, phones or television. It freaks me out to see them so tech savvy and plugged in all the time. And as a result, exposed to the real world at such a young age. But there’s only that much we can control when it comes to what they consume. So, I’ve tried to limit it.

So, a typical Monday to Friday routine would be waking up by 7.30 am getting the kids up for e-schooling. I generally stay available to help them and check my own emails, phone calls and plan the rest of my day.

I leave for work after their done from school and come back just in time for dinner around 7:00pm. Afternoons they play with a few neighbourhood friends, read, paint, or anything that they feel like doing – offline.

We have dinner around 7.30 pm and then either play board games, listen and dance to music, read stories or watch a movie. This is mostly family bonding time, for all of us. Me, my hubby, and the kids. Then it’s off to bed by 9.30 pm max. With bedtime prayers where we thank God for something non-materialistic that’s moved us that day. Or something that they’ve been grateful for. I recommend this one routine to all parents to encourage their kids to do, a gratitude list will go a long way in making them aware of what they have. Post this is “me time” where I probably hang with close friends or watch a movie. Or if I’m having one of those crazy work weeks, then my day ends around 1:00 am.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You mentioned that your fitness journey began after you were diagnosed with cervical spondylitis, what fitness regime do you follow? Also often mothers are unable to focus on fitness after having kids. 5 Tips for Mom-to-be and mom with a newborn

Ms. Parul Kakad:

About 6 years ago I had a spondylitis attack where my entire right arm was dysfunctional. I couldn’t even pick up a piece of paper. I wasn’t allowed to pick my kids for months and my third child was only 9 months old. For a mother to be unable to lift her child is so traumatic, I can’t even begin to explain it.

I had to be taken into surgery in an emergency and then I had 6 months of physio and started basic training and was introduced to yoga and got myself a professional trainer. My post-partum journey was tough, but it was a step ahead for me in terms of what fitness truly is.

People would tell me why, “do you need to go to the gym when you’re so thin?”. This is a BIG misconception that people have. You need some form of physical activity at least once a day no matter what you look like. It’s important for your mind, body and soul.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Diet routine you followed to shed your post-natal weight? 5 energy foods you & Do your kids enjoy eating?

Ms. Parul Kakad:

To get rid of my post-pregnancy weight, I followed a strict diet which included low-calorie meals along with regular exercise. I also consumed One life Apple Cider Vinegar in the morning daily, along with Onelife Garcilean tablets which is a natural weight loss supplement. This worked wonders for me. Both these products helped me get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in a healthy way.

Also, fenugreek in all forms. From consuming it raw to tablets. I increased my milk supply for breastfeeding and it also simultaneously helped me shed all the weight.

As for my kids and super foods I’ve pretty much been a strict mom when it’s come to meals. For breakfast and lunch, I decide a full meal menu, dinner I let them have their choice. All my kids love their veggies and I think we have a balanced diet.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You went through a series of miscarriages, which can be a challenging time. How did you keep up your mental health and deal with social pressure? 5 tips for women who have undergone the same.

Ms. Parul Kakad:

Now this is something that I still somewhere deep-down think about a lot of the times. I remember some of the dates as well. I’ve had traumatising miscarriages; some I didn’t even know about till I went to the hospital. I’ve had 9 pregnancies in all, with 5 miscarriages. I’ve silently dealt with each one of them without talking to anyone about. Till I realised that the world needs to know and talk and discuss a mom’s mental health for her own sanity.

I did go through some major lows when I miscarried each time and went into a shell and dealt with it on my own. I stopped talking to family and friends till I felt like I was back on my feet.

The worst low I hit was when I went through postpartum and only got diagnosed months later. It took me almost 8 months to come out of it after my fourth child. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I’d be at my lowest then. Everything was wrong, the only thing going right was the support I had from my four children. As attached I was to all of them, I still felt disconnected, because my mind wasn’t right.

It took a lot of yoga, pranayama meditation and counselling to get myself back on my feet.

The last year has been completely revolutionary for me. I feel like sunshine today and have never felt happier in my life.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Many times during/post pregnancy women go through protein and vitamin deficiency, what protein supplements you take also your most trusted brand for the same

Ms. Parul Kakad:

I have always used Onelife products and trusted the brand for around 3 years or so. It has a range of products form multivitamins to beauty essentials. They were the answer to all my nutritional requirements during and post pregnancy. I start my day with their organic virgin coconut oil, it has multiple benefits, it provides support to my immune system, dental health and overall well-being, it is also good for my skin.

Then I go on to take supplements like Omega 3-6-9, Vita C, HSN Forte and Collagen.

These supplements together bridge the gap of any vitamin deficiencies and protein requirements. Along with this I also stay active and fit by including Yoga in my daily routine.

Onelife Multi-woman and HSN Forte are the multivitamin supplements that I consume on a daily basis to fulfill my nutritional requirements. Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen is an excellent anti-aging supplement, Omega 369 is a Vegan source of essential omega 3 fatty acids. It is known to help in heart, skin, and joint health. VitaC is an excellent Immunity booster enriched with Vitamin C. Along with all of this, I do regular exercise and yoga to stay active and fit, especially now during COVID times.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

 As mentioned you could not breastfeed your third child, how did you manage that. Advice for breastfeeding women you would like to share. Support & the assistance you used.

Ms. Parul Kakad:

Not being able to breastfeed my third child was having to deal with babies in a whole new way. I was so used to breastfeeding and the pattern and the logistics behind it that I had to study and approach this in a whole new way. Only to realise when I see all my kids grown up that moms shouldn’t be too hard on themselves. It’s ok to formula feed and/or breastfeed.

The different kinds of formulas we get in the market nowadays are way better than what we got before. Although breastfeeding may feel much more convenient, there are no issues with sanitizing bottles, the water being too hot or too cold and I could just instantly feed the baby without dealing with any pressure.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Being the cover girl for Women Fitness India, you are an inspiration for all mothers out there. Share why motherhood is one of the most exceptional parts of a woman’s life.

Ms. Parul Kakad:

Being a mother just fills you with unconditional love. When you birth a child, you give birth to a new you. You learn to value things that are important. You look at life differently. Your basic instinct for a child is just magical. I remember with each growing baby I could tell by the look on their faces or a little shriek or cry what they were going through. I tell every mother that there will be a lot of people constantly giving you advice about raising your child. It may be friends, mothers, mothers-in-law, etc. But trust me, what you feel and know about your child no one else can. Listen to everything people have to say, but only you as a mother will know what to do for your baby. Because a mother will never wish ill for her own flesh and blood and maternal instinct has a huge role to play

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Belly-pouch is one thing that continues to bother women after childbirth. 5 lifestyle modifications called upon to manage that.

Ms. Parul Kakad:

Yes! I see a lot of moms who just let lose after childbirth and say, “I’m just focusing on the baby”. Why? You need to focus on yourself too. Indulging in eating wrong food just damages your body over the long run. Unless you have serious health issues then it’s understandable. But looking after your health is equally important as looking after the baby. Starting mild exercises post birth, eating right and staying active – it’s all a circle Of life.

After my fourth. I had to undergo a surgery called “divarication of the recti” it’s where the stomach muscles separate in pregnancy. And I only realised these a year later.

Not a lot of women are aware. But there are special exercises and workout modules for this which help retract and shape the muscles properly. Core work outs with such issues don’t really help if you have this.

5 Lifestyle Modifications to Manage Belly Pouch By Parul Kakad

  1. Be active. Stay fit. Clock in 10,000 steps a day no matter what.
  2. Eat right. Have a mixed, balanced diet.
  3. Do everything in moderation. Don’t oversleep, don’t overeat. Don’t over workout. Balance!
  4. Do everything with a conscious mind.
  5. Most importantly, BE HAPPY and learn how to LOVE YOURSELF. Because if you can’t love yourself don’t expect anyone else to!

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

A message for WF fans and your followers for  New Year & Holi 2021?

Ms. Parul Kakad:

Expect nothing from anyone but yourself. Only you can make yourself complete. You may be married, single or in a relationship. But you’re only answerable to yourself.

Understand your mind, feel your heart, love your body and nourish your soul.

For more:

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2021 Women Fitness Org

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