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Healthy Eating Habits To Teach To Your Kids

By Dietitian Manoli Mehta

Founder of Tattvum – Discover Wellness

You might worry about whether your child is eating enough. Or you might be worried that your child is eating too much and above a healthy weight.

It’s normal for children’s appetites to change from day to day. Sometimes your child might want to eat a lot – just make sure that you fill him up with healthy food. Other times he might not want to eat. If your child doesn’t want to eat, try not to force her or offer food rewards. Forcing her to eat teaches her not to listen to her appetite.

Some of the most important aspects of healthy eating are portion control and cutting down on how much fat and sugar your child eats or drinks. 

It’s important to remember that your kids aren’t born with a craving for French fries and pizza and an aversion to broccoli and carrots. This conditioning happens over time as kids are exposed to more and more unhealthy food choices. 

However, it is possible to reprogram your children’s food cravings so that they crave healthier foods instead. The sooner you introduce wholesome, nutritious choices into your kids’ diets, the easier they’ll be able to develop a healthy relationship with food that can last them a lifetime.

Whether they’re toddlers or in their teens, children develop a natural preference for the foods they enjoy the most. 

To encourage healthy eating habits, the challenge is to make nutritious choices appealing. Some things that you can do are:

Eg. Pesto/ red sauce pasta with veggies like corn, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, broccoli etc. 

Tip: When you children get hungry for a evening snacks, you can try giving them; handful of nuts with a vegetable frankie or cheese slices on graham crackers with sliced apples/ orange pieces.

By teaching your children healthy eating habits, and modelling these behaviours in yourself, you can help your children maintain a healthy weight and normal growth. Also, the eating habits your children pick up when they are young will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle when they are adults.

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