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Top 6 to Manage IBS During Pregnancy

By Kejal Shah, Nutritionist

Most moms-to-be can expect their digestive tracts to take a beating during pregnancy. Whether it’s constipation, gas, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, vomiting, or all of the above or a combination, few expectant moms escape their nine months without some tummy troubles. But women with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may be wondering how their condition will affect their pregnancies — and whether they’ll be dealing with even more digestive symptoms than they would otherwise.

Though it’s tough to predict what your experience will be like if you have IBS until you’ve been through your entire pregnancy (and remember that each pregnancy is different), here’s some info about what you might go through and how you may be able to prevent or control flare-ups while you’re expecting.

Understanding IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — a common long-term or recurrent disorder of gastrointestinal (GI) functioning that affects 10 to 15 percent of the population — is characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating or gas, diarrhea and constipation. If you’ve had to deal with IBS, you know that the symptoms can often be quite difficult to manage and may even have an impact on your quality of life.

How does Pregnancy Affect IBS?

Because pregnancy affects IBS differently in different women, there’s actually no way to predict how things will go for you. Some moms-to-be report being entirely symptom-free during pregnancy, while others find their symptoms stay the same or get somewhat worse.

One reason why it’s so hard to pinpoint the effect of pregnancy on IBS — and vice versa — is that bowels are almost always impacted (so to speak) by pregnancy. Expectant women are more prone to constipation (just like those with some types of IBS are), and some pregnant women experience looser stools more often (also a symptom of IBS). Same for gas and bloating, which typically worsen when you’re expecting, whether or not you have IBS.

And since the hormones of pregnancy wreak havoc on all parts of the body, even IBS sufferers are left guessing: A woman who is normally diarrhea-predominant might suddenly find herself dealing with constipation, while a woman who is usually stopped up might find it’s become easy — too easy, in fact — to move her bowels.

How does IBS Affect Pregnancy?

Some research shows a small increased risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, while other studies have found no increased risk. Just be alert to any signs of impending preterm contractions, but don’t be worried.

The most important thing if you’re pregnant and dealing with IBS is to make sure you’re getting good prenatal care with a practitioner who knows about your condition and works with you to help keep it under control as best as possible.

Treating IBS During Pregnancy

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