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Kirtan Kriya can Help Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Clinical research has shown that practicing Kirtan Kriya for just 12 minutes a day can improve cognition and activate parts of the brain that are central to memory.

Two billion people in the world will be over 60 years of age by the year 2050. Research has shown that mild cognitive impairment (MCI) may be prevalent in 10-20 percent of this population

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, suggesting a very high risk of development of brain-related issues. Hence, a pressing need for prevention strategies that are not only cost-effective but can be made available to the masses.

Running and tennis are great, but asana can do the trick, too. Yoga studies have shown that a 60-minute Kundalini Yoga class once a week, involving movement, chanting, and meditation, accompanied by a daily practice of a 12-minute Kirtan Kriya meditation, can improve connectivity in the default mode network of the brain.

What is Kirtan Kriya?

Kirtan Kriya is a type of meditation from the Kundalini yoga tradition, which has been practiced for thousands of years. This meditation is sometimes called a singing exercise, as it involves singing the sounds, Saa Taa Naa Maa along with repetitive finger movements, or mudras. In the Eastern tradition, kriyas are used to help bring the body, mind, and emotions into balance to enable healing.

How do you practice Kirtan Kriya?

The mudras, or finger positions, are very important in this kriya

On Saa, touch the index fingers of each hand to your thumbs.
On Taa, touch your middle fingers to your thumbs.
On Naa, touch your ring fingers to your thumbs.
On Maa, touch your little fingers to your thumbs.

The Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation believes that the various parts of Kirtan Kriya are each vital to the whole. It recommends practicing it in the traditional way to fully reap the benefits of the exercise. That said, other methods of reducing stress, like deep breathing, listening to music, and other types of meditation may be beneficial to your health.

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