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Role of Physical Therapist. Tip to Choose the Right One

A Physical therapist is a health care professional who treats patients with issues limiting mobility. They are now expected to do much more than just provide treatment to patients with issues limiting mobility. PTs are expected to be fundamental health care team members who tackle prevention initiatives, such as decreasing falls for the elderly and the prevention of athletic injuries. Additionally, they are tasked with preventing movement and flexibility issues that can be brought on by chronic diseases or other debilitating health conditions.

Physical therapists work one-on-one with patients. They help them perform exercises, stretches, and ice and heat therapies. They also help patients learn to live with injuries and conditions (such as how to use crutches or a cane). Physical therapists customize treatments based on a patient’s needs and readjust them as they go along. They also record and track improvements in the patient’s health and share them with doctors.

Different Areas physical therapists specialize In

Tips to Consider before Choosing a Physical Therapist.

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