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Post Term Pregnancy: Causes And Risks

By Dr Asmita Mahajan, Consultant Neonatologist & Paediatrician, SL Raheja Hospital, Mahim – A Fortis Associate

Post-term pregnancy is defined as pregnancy that has extended to or beyond 42 weeks (9 months) of gestation, or when the mother-to-be is 14days ahead of estimated date of delivery. Generally, after the mother-to-be completes 37 weeks of pregnancy, we consider it as a term pregnancy. 

CAUSES: The most common cause of prolonged pregnancies is inaccurate dating. So the first thing to do when you suspect that a pregnancy is reaching ‘postdates’ i.e. beyond 40 weeks of pregnancy duration, is to check the mother’s last period dates. The cause of post-term pregnancy is usually unknown. Risk factors which may be associated with it are – if it is the first baby, previous post-term pregnancy, if you are carrying a male fetus, if the mother-to-be is obese, hormonal factors and genetic causes.

COMPLICATIONS AND RISKS: There are risks associated with the pregnancy continuing beyond 42 weeks of gestation; risking the lives of both the mother and to the baby

About 20% of post-term fetuses have Dysmaturity Syndrome, which means babies are born with physical features like those of babies with Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) i.e. like babies who stop growing appropriately inside the uterus lowing from lack of adequate blood supply via the Placenta. This includes thin wrinkled peeling skin (excessive desquamation), thin body (malnourishment), long hair and nails, Oligohydramnios (deficiency of amniotic fluid) and passage of Meconium (baby stool). These pregnancies are at bigger risk of Umbilical Cord compression from Oligohydramnios, and short-term neonatal complications such as Neonatal Depression, Hypoglycemia (very low level of blood sugar), seizures, and respiratory insufficiency. Increased risk of long-term brain damage in the child is a possibility.


The golden rule is to follow the doctor’s advice and know that they will always try to take the best possible decision for the fetal-maternal unit as a whole. 

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