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Prableen Kaur on Healing & Transforming!


Prableen Kaur is a famous fitness influencer with 82.7k, she shares fitness, and nutrition inspo with her followers; She talks about correct health and diet rituals and how to make yourself stronger from inside as well as outside.

Women Fitness India gets in a candid chat with Prableen Kaur on her fitness, diet, and weight loss!

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Prableen, you are a famous fitness influencer, tell us how did your journey with fitness begin?

Ms. Prableen Kaur

. From abusing my body and mind to taking care of it like a baby. my journey has been beautiful. Let me take you back to those days when I literally didn’t care about my body. I ate like a pig, drank like a fish & slept like a koala. Was always conscious about the shape but not the health of my body. I started to hit the gym but was never consistent.

Later, in 2018, I was introduced to the world of spirituality. It has changed my life inside out. Realized how important it was to keep your mind and body healthy.

I started to train in 2019, it is my new resolution & has been sticking to it. I never knew that I would love taking care of myself so much.

Fast forward to today, I felt so happy for showing up every day with a healthy mind and body. Each day, I better myself. I learn. I try, I try harder until I get it. It’s a process and we all are getting closer. Consistency is the key, we know it. So, I am holding on to it. I know I am getting closer to my goals. I am blessed and grateful for being where I am today.


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness Org

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Besides fitness, what else do you find interesting on social media as your next favorite genre?

Ms. Prableen Kaur

Besides fitness, I love to travel and the food genre. Helps me update my bucket list for traveling and food content obviously to make my food exciting.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

5 fitness myths for women you would like to bust?

Ms. Prableen Kaur

Number1: You have to do a lot of cardio to lose weight.

This is the first thing that pops into the mind when you want to lose weight. This is not the best way to lose weight. I feel cardio and strength workouts are equally important and play a major role in getting you to lose weight with toned muscles. Your body tends to continue to burn calories after lifting weights.

Number2: Weight training makes you bulky!

Ladies, please don’t fall for this. This is the most heard myth I have heard in my journey which is absolutely not true. Lifting 2-3 days a week will not make you bulky but make your muscles toned. Unless one takes testosterone supplements and consumes more calories than burning, ofc, one will gain weight and look bulky.

Number3: You should not do physical activities during menstrual cycles.

I get this question a lot if one can work out during their menstrual phases and the answer is yes, you can! If you feel like lifting weights or doing some cardio, hit it. The point here is that listen to your body. You might feel like taking a break and that’s totally fine too.

P.s. – Physical activity can help you lift your mood up and also reduce menstrual cramps too.

Number 4: You can’t gain muscle once you’re older.

It is never too late to get into shape. You can build muscle and lose fat at any age. Yes, it is easier when you’re younger due to more favorable hormones along with some other factors. However, just because it’s more difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It’s very much possible. You just need to want it badly enough to put in the effort.

Number 5

You can’t choose areas of your body that you want to remove fat from or reduce fat in that area. Unfortunately, that’s not how the body works. Fat loss happens on a systematic level, across the whole body. If one is in a calorie deficit, that is you’re eating less food than required to perform your activities on a daily and training. Over time your body will mobilize the fat stored resulting in your body fat being reduced over your entire body.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

4 tips for building stronger abs? Diet rituals for having a stronger abdomen?

Ms. Prableen Kaur

Smart core training – you shouldn’t strain your abs but be mindful of all the moves that you do. You must try these moves to build a stronger core,

1. L- sit raises and holds

2. Plank Variations

3. Oblique Crushes

4. Hollow body holds

Know this, everyone has abs but it’s just hidden under those lates of fat. Diet is very important if you want visible-looking abs. This obviously depends on one’s goals but having a stronger core is important in general life.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Women Fitness India talks about celebrity diets and fitness routines, do you follow any special diet? What are your favorite midnight snacks?

Ms. Prableen Kaur

We lift heavy weights, as my workouts are mostly strength and power based. I love lean muscles so, I make sure I get enough protein, carbs, and fats in the system for better recovery and better results.

My current favorite midnight snack is sugar-free ice cream bites. Lately, I have been enjoying them a lot.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

What comprises your fitness regime? How do you manage to stay fit with your intensive work schedules?

Ms. Prableen Kaur

During my workout sessions, I zone out of everything and only think of crushing my routine. I work out 4-5 days a week and have active rest days in between. As my goals are bigger so, I know I must work harder to achieve them. It’s discipline and nothing else. And the most important thing is nutrition. Keeping nutrition on point is another game. Your body needs those essentials to work better the next day.

Eating smart and trading smart is the key!

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

Social media is both Boone and bane, how do you keep up with the negative side of social media including trolling and negative comments

Ms. Prableen Kaur:

I think when people start talking about you negatively that’s when you know that you are growing and doing something better. To be honest, these comments actually push me to do greater things in life. As they say, actions speak louder than words. People have mouths and they will talk, I will act and let my work talk. I try to look at them as my biggest motivation and reason to work even harder. Success would be my biggest answer to these comments.

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

Having achieved so much at a young age, what are your future goals and plans for the year?

Ms.Prableen Kaur:

In the future, I want to win for India! Hopefully, next year I will represent India in street lifting.

Know More About Prableen Kaur

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of Women Fitness.

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