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Practicing yoga while Seated

Practicing yoga while Seated

The seated asanas provide us with the chance to take the body alignment and balance created in the standing sequence into a broader range of postures. The heat that has been generated will enable deep stretching , and the vinyasas between each side of each pose and each yoga Seated asana will help to maintain this internal heat.

The following seated postures, which form the central part of the primary series, purify the internal organs (including theheart) and the muscles while deeply articulating the joints of the body. They release physical, mental and emotional tensions and unlock energy to create physical strength, suppleness and openness of mind. Tightness and rigidity on all levels are challenged.

Focusing on the fullness of each breathe will help you to move through these asanas and , as you do so, listen to all that arises within your mind and heart. In this way, we begin to cleanse the body and free the mind from past experiences, letting the breath wash through, bringing in new energy with each in-breath and releasing old energy with each out-breath.

By practicing these asanas, a calmness of mind is brought about, an openness of heart and body is rediscovered and a secure connection with the ground is achieved.

Dandasana / Staff Posture


This is the foundation from which all other seated asanas stem. Dandasana teaches us to sit is stillness. The subtle motion of breath flows through the Limbs to bring this posture alive, activating and exercising every muscle of the body.


Balasana/Child posture

Child pose calms the body, mind and spirit and stimulates the third eye point. Child pose gently stretches the low backmassages and tones the abdominal organs, and stimulates digestion and elimination.

Purvottanasana / Stretch of the east posture

In this posture the front of the body is lengthened and stretched open, lifting the heart above the level of the spine. This increases the blood flow to the brain, refreshing and revitalizing body and mind.

Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana / Half bound Lotus intense stretch of the west posture

The full folding of one leg at a time opens the knee joints, preparing them for Padmasana (lotus posture), which forms part of the seated sequence. This posture massages the abdominal organs, improving both digestion and elimination.

Triang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana / Three Limbs Face one leg intense stretch of the west posture

The three “limbs” referred to are the feet (stretching forwards and backwards), the knees (which are opened) and the buttocks (which are drawn wide as the back extends forwards). This posture also provides a counter-stretch to the previous half lotus.

Janu Sirsasana / Knee Head Posture

This posture provides the foundation of the following two variations and continues to open the pelvis and develop the suppleness and freedom of the hips and knees. It balances and tones the liver and spleen, so improving the digestive system.

Advantages of performing the Seated Yoga Mudra. Some important advantages obtained from the Yoga Mudra are:

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