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Sakshi Keswani aka Being Suku Brings Out Her Quirky Side!

sakshi keswani

Sakshi Keswani aka Being Suku began her content creation journey during the pandemic and in just 2.5 years has over *3.5+ million followers* across social media.

Sakshi realized that she enjoys composing poems. When she first composed a poem about her hometown ‘Allahabad’, she was quite pleased with herself for being able to do so. Later, when she made a video, she realized that she was exactly where she wanted to be and that’s how she began her journey during the lockdown when she realized she had nothing else to do except to take this opportunity to begin her career as a content creator.

Beginning her journey in 2020 from scratch, today Sakshi’s videos go viral like crazy. Her video *When your girlfriend is way too beautiful* is one of her viral videos and has *20 million views* on Instagram, her other video *When your crush notices you have 10.3 million views*, making her one of the few content creators to have so many viral videos under her hat.

Women Fitness keeping up with its tradition of promoting new talents gets into a fun & quirky conversation with Sakshi Keswani.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Sakshi, you are one of the most trending and fast-growing influencers in the comic category at present, tell us how your journey began and was content creation was something you always wanted to do.

Ms. Sakshi Keswani

 Thank you so much for your kind words; they mean a lot. But I still think there’s a long way to go. I never thought about content creation and acting as a career because I didn’t believe I had what it takes. I always wanted to and hope to become a world-famous artist someday.

When it comes to my journey, it all started with me posting sketch videos, photoshoots, art, and so on. I didn’t realize I was entertaining many others until much later, I used to create the content because I enjoyed it. So I eventually started making short-form videos, and as my videos grew in popularity, I realized this was the best course of action. I enjoyed making people laugh and that’s the mindset you need to keep going. It wasn’t a quick process, there were ups and downs and it felt like a lifetime till people realized I am worthy of entertaining them.


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2022 Women Fitness Org

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Who is your favorite influencer? Your favorite genres besides comedy and sketch videos?

Ms. Sakshi Keswani

I admire many creators for the way they have evolved and presented themselves to the public. But it is Prajakta Koli aka ‘Mostlysane’ who inspired me to start content creation. I read a post in which she described her story in terms of how she changed over the course of five years. I have a lot of respect for her. Aside from comedy and sketch videos, one of my favorite genres to watch is motivational videos

Ms. Namita Nayyar

The influencer industry is growing rapidly, however, it’s getting saturated at the same time. What issues do you face when it comes to making your mark?

Ms. Sakshi Keswani

It hasn’t been a simple journey. It might be challenging to feel acknowledged and appreciated when there are millions of creative people producing stuff for the internet. The fact that I like to entertain others keeps me going despite the ups and downs I’ve experienced along this content creation roller coaster over the years. Internet users forgetting that we are also humans has been one of my difficulties. A cruel comment on a post that is visible to everyone will never be forgotten, despite the fact that what you say to someone may be forgotten after a while. Everything is recorded on the internet. I just hope people realize that it costs nothing to be kind.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Women Fitness India talks about celebrity diets and fitness regimes, do you follow any special diet? What is your favorite cuisine?

Ms. Sakshi Keswani

I don’t prefer to follow a particular diet per se, but I do make sure to eat foods that are good for my health in an effort to keep my gut in good shape. My minor preparation for the big game consists of sticking to my eating schedule, eating a well-balanced diet that includes my proteins and nutrients, and making sure that I am properly hydrated. I know that diet makes up 70% of your fitness journey, so I make an effort to stay away from junk food whenever I can, which is difficult given how much of a foodie I am.

Italian food is my favorite when it comes to cuisine. After spending a lot of time away from home, I must admit that no matter what cuisine the world has to offer, home-cooked meals will always be my comfort food.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

What comprises your fitness regime? How do you take care of your mental wellness along with physical fitness?

Ms.Sakshi Keswani

I believe that both eating cleanly and exercising are essential components of healthy and happy living. I combine aerobic exercise with strength training in my workouts. Also, I like doing HIIT and cardio exercises while I exercise. Working out may become tedious and boring, so I occasionally attempt to switch things up. I find that swimming, yoga, and playing sports all help me stay motivated. It’s important to occasionally just pause, take a deep breath, and appreciate the world around you. Having a healthy body and a happy heart is all that will help in the long run.

Ms. Namita Nayyar

Being on your first magazine cover, what are your feelings, and tips for budding content creators who look up to you?

Ms. Sakshi Keswani

I feel honored to have my own magazine cover for the first of hopefully many times. The girl in me that started putting out sketch videos during the lockdown finally feels gratified. I am grateful to my family, friends, fellow creators, and the team at Dot Media for the constant support they have given me. One piece of advice which I keep giving myself, my friends, and everyone around me is “Do your future self a favor and work hard today”. I advise aspiring content makers to follow their hearts, follow their passions, and go with the flow. Since you have the most influence today, make the most of it while you are here living it. Doing what needs to be done with love, and consistency is vital.

Ms.Namita Nayyar:

Lastly, what are your upcoming future plans and things you would like to do in 2023?

Ms. Sakshi Keswani

I work hard to make improvements to my current performance. I make it a point to never settle for anything less because that is not the guiding principle of my life because my thoughts are constantly on what is coming up next. Every day, I strive to get better and become a better person. In addition, I have such a great love for acting and movies that I will absolutely take advantage of any opportunity to accomplish both. We have great plans and even bigger goals coming, so stay tuned and follow along!

Know More About Sakshi Keswani

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of Women Fitness.

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