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By Avni Kaul,

Nutritionist & Wellness Coach, Nutri Activania

Women are busiest around the age of thirty, settling down in their jobs and few of them settling down in their new families and cities. Life is hectic and stressful with little or no time left for those called non-essential stuff. The rule of the thumb for most ladies is that if one is feeling fit and healthy, there is no need or time to visit a doctor or get any medical check-up done.


This is essential once you reach your thirties. First on the list should be a manual pelvic and breast exam by a gynaecologist to check for any abnormalities like growths, lumps, dimpling, rashes or nipple discharge. Next should be a Pap smear and HPV test to check for cervical cancer. These should ideally be done every alternate year.


A physician will check your blood pressure and administer a lipid profile where LDL(bad) and HDL(good) cholesterol level and triglycerides are checked through a blood test. These tests are necessary to determine your risk level for heart disease. If both are under acceptable level, then one must get it done once a year. If not, then follow your doctor’s advice.


Your dermatologist will check for any suspicious moles or growths and prevent it from turning into a major problem by early diagnosis. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer which is preventable and curable, if diagnosed early.


Regularly visit an ophthalmologist or optometrist to check vision and catch early signs of glaucoma, age related degeneration and cataracts. Wear good quality sunglasses to protect your eyes from damaging ultra violet light.


Get your sugar level test done regularly after you are 45 years old. But if you are overweight, have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, smoke or have a family history of diabetes, then you should start getting a test done right after you are 30 years old – every two years.


A mammogram is important for women above the age of 30 every year to check for tumours. However, if a close family member like your mother or sister have been diagnosed with breast cancer, it makes sense to get a mammogram done from an earlier age. The digital mammograms have been found to show better results than the traditional film ones specially for women below the age of 50.


Vitamin D is very important for it protects your bones, prevents diabetes, heart disease and some cancers, and helps your body to fight off infections. It takes only a simple blood test to check your level of Vitamin D.


A doctor will insert a long, flexible tube with a small camera on the end through your rectum to check for polyps which are small growths that may be cancerous. This test is not needed very regularly unless advised by the doctor or if you have a family history of colon cancer.


A blood test is done to check your level of thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH). High TSH levels or an under-active thyroid can cause unexplained weight gain, fatigue, dry skin and brittle nails. Hyper-thyroidism or over-active thyroid causes fast pulse, insomnia and weight loss. This test should be done once in five years after the age of 35 or earlier if you notice any worrying symptoms.


This X-ray measures bone mass or the amount of calcium and minerals in bones. As you grow older, your oestrogen level goes down which may result on osteoporosis if left untreated.


You should visit your dentist at least once every year for a full dental check-up and cleaning.


Consult your physician regularly for the vaccines needed and get yourself immunized.

It is possible to enjoy good health even as we age. All it needs is some effort and vigilance. If you get appropriate screening tests done to detect potential health problems, then half the battle is done. Most diseases are treatable if diagnosed early.

Depression, alcohol and drug use, smoking, diet and exercise, vaccination history and intimate partner violence all affect various test results and therefore, these should be discussed with your physician freely too. Good health is basis of a good life and should be given the importance it deserves.


Avni, Founder of Nutri Activania ( believes in a holistic approach to optimal living and considers other wellness factors such as sleep, exercise, environmental exposures, and stress levels to create an individualized nutrition plan. She does not believe in gimmicks or starvation plans. Which is why she insists on being called a ‘wellness coach’ and not just a ‘dietitian’). To consult with Avni, or follow her, you can click on any one of these links:

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