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MTV Roadies Rising 2017 Winner Shweta Mehta Talks About Her Journey From An IT Professional To A Fitness Enthusiast

shweta mehta

Shweta Mehta is the Winner of MTV Roadies (season 15). A software engineer turned fitness/bikini athlete in 2015, Shweta Mehta is popular for her strength and her bodyweight training. Shweta has also represented India at Asian level and in the US.

We recently had the lovely opportunity to catch up with her to talk about her transformational journey into fitness that changed her life forever. Go check out her interview below!

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Your leap from being an IT Professional to a Fitness Competitor to winning the Jerai Women’s Physique 2016, sounds versatile. Walk us through your incredible fitness journey and tell us how it all began?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

I finished my studies in 2010 and I went to Bangalore to work as an IT Engineer. Fitness was nowhere in picture at that time, so I came to Bangalore to work with a company. At that time I wanted to work in certain companies, so I joined a Telecom company and then another one, and everything was good there, I was supposed to earn a lot of money and everything was set for me to just get married.

But 3 years ago, down the line I found myself interested in fitness. What happened was that I developed backache and doctor asked me to shed my body weight so that I can be fit. I joined the gym & started liking it, probably I had found my passion. Many people they want to do something else than what they are currently doing but they don’t get to know that, so probably I was lucky.

My parents didn’t like it in the beginning; they thought that fitness is for your health not a profession. So what I did was I did my first competition being in the job itself. It was a very difficult journey because in the morning I used to go for my cardio and then I used to pack my meals (At least 10-12 boxes), go to office, come back from the office and go directly to the gym to do weight training. It was difficult and it went on like this for 8-9 months and then I took part in the competition and secured the 3rd place. It was in March 2015. That’s when I thought that if I can win like this, I should give more time to it, more religiously I should do that.

For this my parents definitely didn’t want me to quit my job, because they thought then who will back me up after I leave my job. But it was due to my back pain that I couldn’t do so many things at the same time, so I finally quit my job.

The next 5 months I was completely working on my body-building and then I was blank, like I went completely broke. I had no clients because why would someone take training from me because I was such a new comer. Then finally in January 2016, when I won gold at the Jerai Classics, then things changed a little. That’s when my parents thought that she’s really achieved this. Sometimes you have to prove to people, even if they are your family. Then they started liking the fact that I’m doing what I really want to do no matter what, no matter how many difficulties I see.

But still wearing a bikini on stage was not easy, and that’s why I think more than me, I appreciate my parents’ transformation, because they heard a lot from society.

Then I signed Adidas and I found a new life, then I represented India at Asia level and then in US also. We are doing a Netflix show called Ultimate Beastmaster which is aired on the 15th of December, where 18 Indians participated.

Meanwhile I was preparing for Roadies also, I auditioned 3 times: 2014, 2015, 2016. And then when I returned from the US, I saw that there was one audition pending for 2017 And I went from Bangalore to Chandigarh just to give that audition and I finally got in the show and I won the show. Things really changed after that at home. People started praising me, liking me, even though I was still doing what I wanted to do. So more than my winning, it was my family’s winning. They could now answer them back and this winning really meant a lot.


This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness Org

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Introduce us to a day in your life. How do you spend your day off?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Right now I’m in Mumbai and it’s a very hectic shoot. So for this I am shooting 10-12 hours a day and I workout in Midnight. So I always carry my gym bag and whenever I finish my shoot I go to the gym. I never skip my workout no matter what, other than on rest days. Fitness is discipline; it requires focus on every single day.

On days off, I like to party, music and rather than wasting my day off, I like to develop myself. Like these days I’m starting a YouTube campaign, Do What You Want To Do. So the message is do what you want to do, like for me its fitness, for you it could be you want to be an actor or a leader or doctor. You have only one life so do not think it’s not possible. I also like to work on my flaws and I try to learn and make the most of my off days.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What exercises comprise your fitness regime or workout routine?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

When I have time, I split it between Cardio and Strength Training. When I don’t have time, I don’t have a particular time, I go in the night, midnight, morning, the workout remains the same.

If I have 2 hours to workout, I would do one and a half hour of weight training and last 20 mins cardio. I split my leg workout into 3 parts: chest, hamstrings and glutes. So I split and train them and not together. 2 days I do upper body, 3 days I do legs and one day I do calisthenics.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Tell us about the diet that you follow to remain healthy and physically fit? Also, tell us your Top 3 favorite recipes.

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Currently I am on a High-fat diet due to my health and time issues. It is a very delicious diet, you can fry your chicken, mutton, your eggs with lots of cheese and butter in it. So it’s a very delicious and healthy diet. It’s easy to follow and stay energetic. It was not easy to eat every 2 hours in the middle of a shoot so in this diet I do not eat 6 times a day, its usually 3 times a day or sometimes 4 times a day. It is often considered difficult for vegetarians, because it has more of non-veg options and you have to quit your carbs and sugar completely. My favorite cheat meal is donuts! I cannot have that in this diet so in this diet, I make coconut flour kheer and other one is cream cheese pancakes.

Top 3 favourite recipes:

Butter Chicken, Mutton and cheese omelettes.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Fitness Competitions are often considered to be a male-dominated, do you think it’s difficult for a woman to make a mark in this field? Or have the times changed? Also, what would be your best tips for a woman thinking of choosing the fitness field as a career option?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Yes, it is male-dominated, because we still do not understand that bodybuilding is not about building muscle, it is about building your body, getting in good shape, that is also fitness. Like in my category, the bikini category to look good, you don’t have to look very shredded or put on a lot of muscle. This is the beginning, later on with time you have to work on your legs, your glutes, but it comes with time. Another reason is that lot of bodybuilders are from villages and its actually about the surrounding. So for someone whose in the industry, they know it’s not male-dominated, but for those around them they are because this is what is conveyed to them. Like when you buy a protein box, you will see a big bodybuilder standing next to it, so they think protein is only for men and if women will take it they will also become like them. Secondly, people do not accept girls with muscles, not many people do.

Women interested in this field must understand that making money in fitness industry is not easy. Very few competitions happen, prize money is very less as compared to the amount of money you put to be on stage. So you have to understand that if you’re doing it you’re doing for your passion.

For example, if you’re given certain amount of money, you’re given a gym, food, then you’ll definitely do something good. But that’s not the scenario, you have to put in the money, you have to put money in for your gym, training and everything to become what you want to do. That’s the difficult part and you should be aware of it.

Struggling is part of fitness in India, you have to struggle to be there. As a career there are many ways to get into fitness, you can be a good gym instructor or a personal trainer for which you have to study of course. But at the same time, I would say if you want to then you should do that.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What are the 5 things that are an absolute must in your gym bag?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Proteins, Amino acids, music player, good deodorants and hand sanitizer.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

You became the MTV Roadies Rising Winner 2017. Tell us about your journey on the show. Also, we would like to know about a memorable moment that is most dear to your heart, in the show?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

You are put in a place where there are 20 people who think they are the best, from different parts of the country. Thousands of people come and, from them 20 people are selected who are definitely the best. So initially I gave up. Because I thought I cannot fight with these kids. But in Roadies you have to know that, how to take away things.

So in the beginning I didn’t know how to be in front of the camera and I felt that I am not being seen and judges had not noticed me so far, so I realized that if I want to be seen it has to come from my task performance. So I started asking for my tasks from Neha, that I want to do it. I had to convince her to  send me with the promise that I will win the task.

So my journey actually started after 12-13 days, after 15 days, I decided that I’m not giving up and I started working towards it. Finally I won the show which is a very big thing. The journey is difficult, you have to prove yourself in the tasks, you have to prove yourself to the judges, in everything since it’s a 24 x 7 reality show.

The biggest moment was the semi-finale, it was a very difficult task and it was supposed to be done in 25 minutes. Everybody thought I could not do it, I don’t know how they forgot that I do pull-ups and I’m an engineer. The task was all about your upper body strength and maths. I started chanting to God and I actually completely the task in 2 minutes, creating history in Roadies by becoming the best performer in Roadies history. That was the best moment because in the most difficult task I gave the best performance.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

With an audience of over 269k followers on your Instagram account @theshwetamehta you’re a social media sensation and a leading fitness star. How does it feel that you are able to inspire and influence the healthy lifestyle of so many individuals?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Firstly I do not promote health or fitness, I promote dreams. Go dream and fulfil your dreams since you’ve got only one life.

Secondly I feel good about it that people follow and get inspired, but I take it as a responsibility. I never post anything that I am not connected with; I don’t do any campaigns just for money, so I am very genuine with my fans and followers. Because they actually follow me, there are so many girls who message me and I actually feel like taking care of them.

One of the best compliments that I got was in Bangalore, in a party, few girls came to me, they were from Haryana, and they said that they are in Bangalore just because of me, their parents had sent them just because of me, after winning the show. It was very touching and it meant a lot. So I try not to do anything which may hurt people.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Would you like to tell us about the changing scenario of fitness in our country over the years?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

It has definitely changed. Every year there are 3-4 expos happening in India and the number of female participants have changed from 30-40 to 100. So many of these girls come with their families, in the beginning my parents never came for my competitions but once I met a parent and they said that they wanted to meet my parents and tell them that we are inspired by you and you should also come for Shweta’s competitions. I felt so good that these parents wanted to support their daughter. Parents have now started supporting their daughters.

So many girls are there who are wearing bikini, thongs in India, earlier when I competed we were not allowed to wear thongs. So definitely things are changing.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

Advice and motivational words to the inspiring and budding fitness competitors who are your fans. They shall like to know from you, what they should do to climb up the ladder of success in this field?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Do what you want to do is what I believe in. It is difficult; it is never going to be easy. When I won Roadies, they started respecting me, but I am still doing what I love doing. I am following my dreams, and I have accepted that it is going to be difficult.

Do what you want to do and if something is stopping you then accept that you don’t want to do it. Don’t look for motivation or inspiration from outside, it just doesn’t come, it comes from inside, it has to be self-motivated. I don’t have an idol, I do follow some people, but nobody can motivate me, it has to come from inside.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

How do you think has social media helped bring multiple opportunities in the fitness industry?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Right now social media is playing a very important role in every industry. We should be thankful to social media that we are able to reach out so many people, inspire and motivate them, through your journey.

The path is no longer narrow, it is wider. Like for a person who wants to get into fitness, that person does not have to get on stage, you can be a trainer, a guide, a mentor, a teacher in a school or if not all this, then social media comes into picture, you can get associated with a nutrition brand, or a fitness brand, and by that you can stay close to your fitness. Social media has brought so many things together.

Ms. Namita Nayyar:

What do you wish to say about the website and message for our visitors on this New Year?

Ms. Shweta Mehta:

Do not make New Year Resolutions, rather implement them in life. You have only one life and that’s why everyday is very important. Do something good every day. Stop talking about people, if you really want to grow in life, talk about yourself, your flaws, and accept your flaws.

Success is nowhere related to fame, you have to be happy, and once you accept where you lack and you’re ready to work on it, there is nothing that can stop you. Things are not impossible, it just takes time. No excuses.

Follow her journey on:

This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President and should not be reproduced, copied or hosted in part or full anywhere without an express permission.

All Written Content Copyright © 2017 Women Fitness Org

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