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The White Light By Dr. Devanshi Wadhwana Doshi

A professional dentist, Dr. Devanshi Wadhwana Doshi turned tarot card reader is a staunch supporter of occult science. She is an ardent believer of the law of attraction & believes everything in life happens for a reason.

Dr Wadhwana Doshi offers talk about how she ventured into the spiritual healing after gaining a doctarate in dentistry

Namita Nayyar

You are a qualified dentist and an avid science student, what inspired you to choose the conventional path of becoming a tarot reader? Also, how did you take its professional training?

Devanshi Wadhwana

I’m Dr. Devanshi Wadhwana Doshi, a dentist, psychic tarot card reader , white light worker and practice many other modalities in spiritual healing too. The journey of practising dentistry along with spirituality has been magnificent. Most of the “awakened” people would agree, and like I put it , “You don’t choose spirituality, spirituality chooses you”. And it’s so apt in my case. To be very open to my fellow people, I was always someone who was not religious, didn’t really practice any chanting or as simple as praying. It’s just something that never came to me. But destiny had something beautiful in store for me. “The awakening” , what I spoke about earlier is nothing but to get a deep awareness of it’s existence and it’s synchronicity to the Universe and other life forces. 

When asked to think of awakened people, names like Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, and Jesus come to mind. Or perhaps Mother Teresa or Nelson Mandela. These inspiring figures might lead you to believe that being awakened is akin to being perfect. If so, try to think of more relatable examples of individuals who are awake. It helps to see examples of people who are simultaneously flawed but striving to live a good life with a focus on the greater good.

My Inspiring Role Model:

Everybody has their own sets of different experiences for awakening. Mine was rather a smooth and lovely one (on contrary to general belief) and I’m grateful for the Universe to give me that chance. Tarot came to me very naturally. It kind of called me and it seems I already knew the intricate details of it before even having them in my hands. It’s said , that the soul carries knowledge of all it’s lives with it. I had been reading initially only for ny family and closed ones.

But Covid-19 made me realise that I need to reach out to people. This was my second calling. And the response and support that I received was absolutely amazing. I’m hoping to help more and more people and use this gift of the Universe bestowed upon me. I’m grateful for it.

Namita Nayyar

You are an ardent believer of the law of attraction? Tell us more about it and how our readers can implement it when trying to achieve weight loss goals.

How does the Law work to live a healthier lifestyle?

Devanshi Wadhwana

What if everything you’ve ever wanted really was just a thought away?What if you could easily manifest the money, relationships, health, success, and life you always desired?

And what if there really was a universal principle known as “The Law of Attraction” that made it all possible? You attract whatever you give your energy, attention, and focus to. If you’re thinking about it, you’re magnetizing it to your life — whether it’s positive or negative. Your focus may be on something you want. Or it may be on something you don’t want (or the lack of what you want). This is simply the way the Universe works. And once you accept it and live your life based on this truth, things you never previously dreamt of suddenly become possible.

There are many ways to achieve ” Law of Attraction”. One such simple technique and yet a powerful one is visualisation. If your goal is to loose weight and become healthier. Then do this technique for 28 days, continuously, without breaking the cycle. And if you break it even for a day, the whole cycle begins again.

Now sit in a quiet corner, take a few relaxing breath and gradually look at your own body with your inner eyes peacefully start from head and go upto your toes. Imagine your dream has already come true, think of the weight that you wanted, you’ve already achieved, that waist size, that body.

How happy does that make You? Let that happiness flow, be in that zeal. That’s the energy you’re extending out in the Universe. And that’s exactly the language of the Universe. This, along with minor changes in your lifestyle shall do wonders, even without you exercising (but again, exercising defined does wonders to your body). I have personally experienced lot and it has worked so beautifully that it leaves me amazed. My advice, go out there and explode your positive energies into the Universe.

Namita Nayyar

“The white light” is a one-stop destination for spiritual healing why did you choose to call it the white light?

5 steps to achieve optimum mental health status.

Devanshi Wadhwana

We know for a fact, that there’s hierarchy everywhere, government offices, at your work place, in your family, even at your school. Have you every wondered that there’s hierarchy in the Universe as well?

Let’s take a quick example. We know about angels but do you there’s hierarchy there as well? It’s called The 9 choirs of Heaven. The bottom of this hierarchy are our beloved angels. And the ultimate end of the same is the Supreme / The white light / Lord / Brahma / Vishnu / Mahesh. I believe, no matter, what caste, creed, religion that you belong to, ultimately there’s only one source. At the end of the journey, all souls crave to merge with that Supreme White Light. It’s the source of all creation and destruction. Hence the name of my foundation, “The White Light”. I use that source and do all my healings, readings or practices.

5 Ways To Achieve Balanced Mental Health Status. 

  1. Meditation: it really helps to calm you and think better. It’s like the food for your soul. For people, who think, they can’t meditate, I often guide them, and for the readers who think , they can’t mediate, a simple , breathe in, breathe out exercise is also a part of the mediation.
  2. Crystals : working with certain Crystals proves to have beautiful results. For example, for people, who have insomnia (lack of sleep), all they can do is keep an amethyst tumble under their below. Amethyst is said to invoke calmness and is a great sedative. You’ll observe that you’ve woken up quite fresh the next morning.
  3. Energy Circle(EC): these are circles that you can draw yourself to enhance your mood, or manifest your desires. If you’re lazy to exercise, you can make an EC for that, soon, you shall realise, you’re actually going to work out without any force. 
  4. Switchwords: these tap directly into your subconscious mind and make you do, what you desire from your innermost self. It has worked wonders for me personally.
  5. Chakras: balancing your chakras is of utmost importance. You shall see significant difference if you had a chance to see, what you Experience with a blocked Chakra and the same chakra being opened. 

There are a number of options for us to dwell into. And I’m sure there’s so much more for all of us to learn and explore.

Namita Nayyar

You practice crystal healing, as well, share how it has helped your clients.

Devanshi Wadhwana

One of my clients (and a member of my family), was suffering from depression and it so happens that it’s considered a taboo to talk about depression. So most likely, I wasn’t going to be aware of my clients/family members mental health status. But through my Crystal healing, she did happen to have a beautiful Experience (since, it was her first time and never knew anything about it plus the depression, she was taken aback & scared). Later, she came upto me and narrated the whole incident as being negative. Later, did she know through me, that she actually had an opportunity to meet Archangel Ariel. It’s was a beautiful Experience for her.

Namita Nayyar

With 2021 approaching, message you would like to share for our readers on how to maintain positivity and go about their goals 

Devanshi Wadhwana

2020 has struck chords for all of us to be on our guard, to learn discipline the hard way. The sum of of 2020 is 4.

The numerological importance of 4 is said to be of foundation, discipline. And I’m sure we all agree on the same.

With the end of 2020 approaching, I’m sure that we’ve got accustomed to the healthier way of lifestyle.

I would recommend everyone to,

The world has enough competition already. This shall also keep that “stress” and tension factor far away from u. Be like the horse, watch only your path ahead.

Namita Nayyar

How do you start off your day, to keep yourself healthy & fit for optimum performance?

Devanshi Wadhwana

Over the years, I’ve learnt to set an alarm in your subconscious mind. And it’s no rocket science. We all have that beautiful ability to set alarms in our minds. You don’t really need an alarm clock. So first thing, in the morning, when you out of your REM sleep, don’t linger around and get up.

This provides an energetic start of the day. So suppose today, my subconscious mind woke me that the exact time that I had planned, I get up and feel happy, every single day. I start by thanking myself and my higher self. Being grateful for another day. It’s proven that being grateful gives a sense of grounding helping you to be humble and grow positively in life.

Next, I just pull a tarot card for myself. It’s a single card of the day. Anticipating and planning what lies ahead, or how can I make better use of this card today. What’s in store for me today. At the end of each day, I go back and journal it. After which a few minutes of short meditation kicks off my day. All of this takes barely 20 mins.

We all know how hectic lives we live. But I’m sure, you can definitely remove 10-15 mins of your morning for yourself each day. Visualise how you’re going to spend the rest of your day, set goals. And one mini goal for yourself like – Today I shall smile whole heartedly minimum 3 times, or I shall help 3 people today. It could be anything, smallest of the small. And see how dramatic difference it makes. You as a person shall start feeling lighter and more aligned in your life.

Namita Nayyar

According to you “Crystal healing offers excellent stress relief, which is particularly useful for people suffering from panic attacks, pain, stiff joints, migraines, insomnia, digestive disorders, etc.” 

5 ways it can help backache and pain management.

Devanshi Wadhwana

Healing crystals have magnificent powers inside them. That is because they are magic crystals created by mother nature in her womb. When one uses crystals for chronic back pain or pain management, these magical crystals aid in healing one’s problems. Never ever replace crystals with medications. Always consider and use crystals as a support to augment the power of medications.

Hematite, Lapiz Lazuli, Lodestone(Magnetite), Calcite(Blue/Green) and Fluorite are the top recommended crystals for pain management.

5 Ways Crystals Aid in Pain Management By Dr Devanshi Wadhwana.

  1. Regeneration and Repair – Another imperative power of crystals is regenerating and repairing. It helps repair your back pain to resolve the chronic pain over long term use. When one uses crystals for pain management, we suggest using crystal patches. By doing so, one surges the exposure to the crystal and energize the area of pain. This is a recharging ritual for chronic pain and backache.
  2. Pain relief and Relaxation- A little known advantage of crystal for pain management is the pain relief. One wouldn’t have to be liable on pain remedies when they have the exact crystal by their side. It will relax your muscles and unwind your tensed knots. One will feel grounded and calm with healing crystals for back pain and pain management.
  3. Resolving underlying issues – If an individual experiences pain that is caused by other ailments, many crystals can aid realizing that. It is the best resolution to find the root cause of chronic pain caused.
  4. Flush out toxins – Depending on the crystal one is using for pain management; they can accordingly use it to flush out the toxic energies residue in the chakra centres. Crystals can yield energies within these centres with enormous pressure that when they flow to diverse chakra points, our body will be detoxified.
  5. Empower Your Chakras – By now we have already conjectured that chakras have a lot to do with back pain and pain. That’s because your back is around the root chakra, sacral and solar plexus. If one experience’s upper back pain, pick a solar plexus solidification crystal and sacral chakra crystal for middle back ache. Root chakra crystals gives us best results for lower back pain. It can also support other crystals during recovery

Special Thanks to Dr. Devanshi Wadhwana Doshi.

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