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Watermelon: A Wholesome Fruit Packed With Nutrition


Watermelon considered a powerfood, is recommended by American Council on Exercise as a good choice for a healthy diet.

Watermelon has only 92% of water and 6% of Sugar. It is low in calories and packed with minerals. It is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, potassium, Beta Carotene, and magnesium. It is extremely alkaline-forming in the body. Due to its high fiber content it helps keep the colon clean. Its high potassium content enables balancing the high amounts of sodium in our diets and thus supports the kidneys. It can ease inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, atherosclerosis, diabetes, colon cancer, and arthritis. This lowers the toxic load in the body.

Watermelon VS. Weight Loss

It is proclaimed that, one can lose one to four pounds a week by following a watermelon  diet. You can stay on this calorie-restricted diet without risking nutritional deficiencies for three months. The diet involves a number of restrictions which need to be carefully monitored. This diet plan comprises of 10 days, involving two types of diet plan. A mono diet of only watermelons for 5 days and watermelons with some other nutritious foods. An average watermelon diet contains 150 kcal per serving during the day. You need to eat this portion 8 times a day without fail. As 97% of the fruit is water content, you can avoid drinking too much water.

A single food can never fulfil all the nutritional requirements of your body needs.

This mono diet should not exceed more than 5 days. You have to add some other foods in next 5 days along with watermelons. This type of diet is generally prescribed to one who strives for fast weight loss. Apart from this factor, the diet is also referred to people who desire to get rid of excessive toxins, water, salts, and other impurities.

Note: If you will feel any type of discomfort on the 1st day of the diet plan, immediately cancel the plan and consult your dietician or the doctor. It is normal to experience a bit of a headache while you are on a diet consuming watermelon only, due to the detoxifying effect of watermelon on the system

Other Health Benefits:

Shopping for Watermelon

Women Fitness does not advocate Watermelon diet for weightloss. Adopt a diet pattern which you can stick to for a Lifetime.


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