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Easy Yoga Poses for Breastfeeding Mothers

Cat And Cow Pose

Mild Exercise in form of yoga is advisable to all women and breastfeeding moms to get back in shape post-delivery, it is an ultimate healer for many pre and post-pregnancy-related health issues. Regular practice can stimulate the pituitary gland to cause an increase in the prolactin hormone, which produces more breast milk. The exercises focus on the chest region. 

Recommending Parvatasana, Yastikasana, Hastapadasana and Cat Pose. All these asanas can be practiced during breastfeeding as they open the front of your body and lengthen your spine and back muscles. All these postures help to compress, stretch, arch, and reinforce all the major muscles of the body. Also benefits the digestive system and respiratory system. These postures help to strengthen your body and your mind.  All new moms can use more stamina and strength to give the best to their babies.

Cat-Cow Pose

The Cat-Cow Pose may help in reopening the chest and easing the tension in the spine. It can prove an effective counteract against the usual hunched-up position that most breastfeeding moms adopt while nursing.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Stick Yoga Pose (Yastikasana) 

Standing Forward Bend (Hastapadasana)


Nursing the baby can be physically demanding especially during the early days causing numerous health issues. 

Regular yoga practice can positively influence the health and vitality of breastfeeding moms by helping them feel happier and more relaxed. 

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