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Chair Yoga for Stroke Survivors

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in India. Yoga is helpful for stroke patients because it can be tailored to almost any stage of recovery. Chair yoga is a great way to improve range of motion (ROM) and decrease stress. A chair provides stability you might need after a stroke while still allowing you to get in a workout. It is a great way to combine mindfulness and exercise.

Before beginning, make sure you remember your ROM limits. You can use your unaffected side to help your affected side as needed. Only complete moves to where you are comfortable. Begin with your feet on the floor, hip-width apart, sitting upright with good posture. Let’s Begin!

Yoga Asanas for a Stroke Survivor

During the whole session, remember to stay connected with your breath. Begin with one hand on your heart, and one hand on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose and make an audible exhale through the mouth. Set the intention of your practice today by thinking of what you are grateful for.

Below are the asanas you can practice advised by the American Stroke Foundation .

Seated Marching

Knee Extension

Leg Lifts

Weight Shifting

Shoulder Shrugs and Neck Stretches

Butterfly Exercise and Arm raises

Looking and Reaching for Flowers

Tree Hug

Open hands and arms out wide, then close arms to hug the tree. Repeat several times.

Seated Tree Pose


There are many benefits of yoga for stroke recovery. We recommend that you look into starting your yoga practice as soon as possible.

Note: Always consult your doctor before starting off on a workout routine.

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