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World Asthma Day: 5 Yoga Asanas to Practice

3th May is World Asthma Day and is the right time to share yoga asana to manage asthma.

It has been well reported by studies that “Yoga exercise among asthmatic patients resulted in a decreased number of day and night attacks and use of drugs. It also shows significant improvement in the peak expiratory flow rate. A further large-scale study is recommended.”

Yoga & Asthma Management

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)


Modified Version:

Forward Bend

This pose stretches the back muscles, helps you breathe more deeply, and is calming.

Note: In case you have low blood pressure or are prone to getting woozy when you bend over, use a chair instead. Either stand in front of the chair and lean forward or grab the back of a chair and bend forward.

Matsyendrasana (Seated Spinal Twist)

This pose promotes targets your torso, back, and respiratory muscles — the diaphragm is helpful in asthma management.

While Lying:

Cobra Pose

This pose helps to stretch the chest and neck muscles.

While standing:

Breathing exercises used in yoga have been found to help some people with asthma control breathing and relieve stress

, a common asthma trigger.
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