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5 Yoga Poses to #LoveurSelf this Valentine’s Day

With the Valentine’s week being celebrated around the world don’t forget to start your day with these Chest opening yoga poses to reaffirm greater self-love.

Below are 5 poses to stretch the muscles of the chest and shoulders

Bhujangasana (The Cobra Pose)

The Cobra pose expands and improves blood circulation to the chest region. This is a heart opening yoga posture that opens up channels of energy and love in you.

To Perform:

Adho Mukho Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog pose)

This is a heart opening pose that calms the system, energizes the body and channelizes the flow of emotions.

To Perform

Setubandha Sarvangasana with Hands Clasped

This asana strengthens the core and low body, cultivating focus. To open the chest, gently bring the shoulder blades toward one another and clasp the hands together.

To Perform:

Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)

The Shoulder stand stretches the heart muscles by returning more venous blood to the heart and also stimulates the thyroid gland. Often called the ‘Queen of asanas’.

To Perform:

Bitilasana Marjaryasana (Cat Cow Pose)

Coming on all fours, and gently moving the back in a rhythmic way, and taking the position like that of a cat or a cow, releases the tensions around the spine and shoulders and tightens the abdomen to make a stronger core.

To Perform

All these asanas will help circulate blood smoothly and efficiently in the heart region.

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