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Drinking Beetroot Juice can Increase Muscular Performance During Exercise

According to a new study drinking beetroot juice before a workout can improve muscular force and performance during exercise.

Beet juice, particularly rich in nitrate has already been shown to enhance high-intensity exercise and potentially improve endurance. Recently, a study published in the journal Acta Physiologica suggests nitrate can also increase muscular performance during exercise.

After tracing the distribution of the ingested nitrate in the saliva, blood, muscles, and urine, researchers found that after the nitrate was taken, there was a significant level in the thigh muscles. An hour after the nitrate was taken, participants were asked to perform 60 contractions of the quadriceps — the thigh muscle active while straightening the knee — at maximum intensity over five minutes on an exercise machine. The team found a significant increase in the nitrate levels in muscle. During the exercises, researchers found this nitrate boost caused an increase in muscle force of seven percent, compared to when the participants took a placebo.

Andy Jones, Professor of Applied Physiology at the University of Exeter, said: “Our research has already provided a large body of evidence on the performance-enhancing properties of dietary nitrate, commonly found in beetroot juice. Excitingly, this latest study provides the best evidence to date on the mechanisms behind why dietary nitrate improves human muscle performance.”

Nitrates are nitrogen-oxygen molecules that are produced by the body and can also be found in certain foods like celery and lettuce, as well as beet juice and beetroot juice. When one consumes food or drinks with nitrates, they help convert oxygen into energy more efficiently, which increases endurance and power when exercising.

How to Make Beetroot Juice

Drinking one 250-ml glass of beetroot juice per day is advisable. People can make beetroot juice at home using a juicer, blender, or food processor.

How to blend the beets:

You can drink beetroot juice on your own, or you can blend it with the juice of other fruits and vegetables.

The following healthful ingredients can add a flavorful twist:

Beetroots are a healthful addition to most diets. People can experience the health benefits of beetroots by eating them raw or cooked or by drinking beet juice. Juiced beets contain many beneficial nutrients that the cooking process can remove.


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