On some occasions, a little bit of muscle soreness can be considered to be pleasant, after all, you have worked hard and sweat it out to reach this new level of strength. But in case the muscle tenderness gets worse, it is definitely a matter of concern, causing a great amount of pain in the gluteus maximus.
When just getting decked up or even the simple act of picking up your bag feels more like a task than the exercise itself, you perhaps are dealing with DOMS—or delayed onset muscle soreness. This is typically caused during the time of workout, because exercise causes the little micro-tears in your muscles, and when those fibers restore is when you start gaining mass and strength. Paying meticulous attention to post-workout recovery is of prime importance, hence most people focus on taking long ice baths, expensive massages, and medications to help them reach a stage of recovery. But it is important to note that the most effective way to relieve muscle tension is actually through the kind of food you intake.
There are a couple of nourishing edibles and food groups that will aid in combatting inflammation and delayed onset muscle when you incorporate them into your post-workout eats. Try eating the below-mentioned everyday foods that will leave no stone unturned to aid in fighting muscle pain.
Eggs: Protein is the important building block of muscles, hence adding a good protein source like eggs, during or afterward an intensive endurance workout may help condense the peril of DOMS. This protein-rich food can be prepared in a bazillion ways and delivers a heavy dose of nutrients in each portion. Additionally, the protein quality delivered from an egg is exclusively suited to fighting soreness of muscles and promotes healthy muscle growth. Each egg is a powerhouse of approximately 6 grams of protein that come from all vital amino acids. You also get vital vitamins and minerals, specifically vitamins A, E, and K along with B vitamins through regular egg consumption. Eggs are also a remarkable source of leucine, which is associated with muscle retrieval.

Salmon: Salmon falls into the category of protein and healthy fat, both of which play a fundamental role in rebuilding and fixing muscle. Each salmon serving delivers rich, high levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids which are known for battling inflammation, enhancing the flow of blood to muscles during fitness training, and lessening muscle soreness and plummeting swelling.
Turmeric: This powdered gold plays a very important role in healing various wounds and injuries. A curcumin supplement is very effective in reducing the discomfort linked with delayed onset muscle soreness, reduces the impact of injury, and improves recovery of muscle performance. One must add a substantial sprinkle of curcumin-loaded turmeric to eggs, milk, and smoothies to get the effect.
Bananas: The fruit is an easy-to-digest source of quality carbohydrates that facilitate spiking your level of insulin just enough to drive protein into the muscle to motivate muscle renovation and development. An excellent source of electrolyte potassium, eating bananas will help to ease muscle soreness post-gym.
Tart Cherry: Just like other berries, cherries are known for their high-quality antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The essential compounds precisely delivered from cherries, known as anthocyanins, play an important role in relieving both muscle discomfort and paleness, redness, and cellular injury that occurs post-performing a hard exercise. Also drinking tart cherry juice is very beneficial for efficient muscle recovery since it delivers a much more concentrated form of compounds.

Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese delivers two different types of protein: whey and casein. While whey protein lends a helping hand in refilling muscles rapidly post-training, casein is a much slow-acting protein that makes cottage cheese a perfect snack before exercising since it lets your muscles continue recovering even as you sleep. This nourishing edible also comes packed with live cultures (good bacteria) that assist in breaking down and absorbing nutrients that can aid in making your muscles stronger.
Watermelon: Biting into a cold, juicy watermelon piece post a serious workout session is the most satisfying feeling one can get. Along with being satiating, watermelon’s vital amino acid, l-citrulline, has the capability to pacify those painful, tender muscles too. The natural sugars present in the fruit will also aid in driving protein content into the muscles and refill low glycogen stores, while the high content of water is beneficial to averting muscle cramping and dehydration.
So wait no more, stock your kitchens and refrigerators with these healthy ingredients, and start feeling the difference for yourself.