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Mobility Drill: Great Option for Rest Days

Mobility is the ability to move freely. Our bodies feel sore and tight the day after a challenging workout. It’s common for exercisers to experience one or more of the following after a tough workout session: delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle damage (small microscopic tears that can occur when a muscle is stressed beyond what it’s used to), inflammation, and a feeling of physical fatigue.

When you’re super sore after a workout, it is tempting to lie down and binge-watch your favorite show to avoid any unnecessary muscle contractions. However, research suggests that doing absolutely nothing might not be the best recovery technique. Hence the need for active recovery workouts, like a 15-minute mobility workout. Mobility drills get you moving just enough to circulate fresh blood throughout your body and warm tissues up gradually, which really helps decrease inflammation in the tissue and speed the recovery process.

15-Minute Mobility Drill for Rest Days

You can increase flexibility and muscle recovery with this mobility drill workout. Also, provide a great post-workout cool-down routine.

Child’s Pose


T Spine Stretch

Figure 4 Stretch

Low Lunge + Chest Expansion

Half Splits

Standing Hurdlers Stretch

Lateral Squat Stretch

Sumo Squat Active Mobility

Pair this routine with a light 20-minute walk for the ultimate recovery day.

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