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Celebrity Trainer Rupal Sidhpura Faria’s 3 Yoga Asanas for Pregnant Women

According to yoga Trainer Rupal Sidhpura Faria in her interview with Women Fitness “Every pregnancy is different from the other. There’s no two poses that could be the same in case of complications.” She further adds” But under a registered Yoga practitioner without any complications the common most and beneficial is the Baddha Konasana, Wide Legged Forward fold and Child’s pose would be a few of many many asanas that pregnant women can do.”

Pregnancy is the most powerful transformation you go through in your life as a woman! Your body is rapidly changing, hormone levels are increasing, and emotions fluctuate dramatically. Yoga can help you stay present and accept these remarkable changes with awareness, patience, and respect.

3 Yoga Asanas for Pregnant Women

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

This pose helps open up the hips and stretch the muscles of the groin, two areas that can become tight throughout pregnancy. It’s also a very grounding pose that can centre you if you’re feeling a little scattered.

To Perform:

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward fold)

This is a great pose for relieving low back pain, stretching the backs of the legs, and widening the pelvic region. Place hands on a block or support to keep the spine stretched forward and make space for the baby.

To Perform

Balasana (Child pose)

When in child’s pose, focus on relaxing the face and breathing deeply into the spine.

To Perform:

As your belly grows, keep your big toes together and spread your knees apart to create space. Likewise, if it’s more comfortable to sit up high, rather than bringing your bum to your ankles, go for it. Just remember to rest your forehead and to breath deeply into your back.

Try these three yoga asanas for pregnant women at home. Do not push.

Check out Celebrity Trainer Rupal Sidhpura Faria’s interview on Women Fitness at

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