WomenFitness India

Diabetes Reversal: The Best Diet For A Diabetic Patient

By Dietitian Ashu Gupta

Having diabetes is downright a pain to succumb and endure. There are numerous complications and according modifications that we need to make in our daily lifestyle, and one of them is with our diet. We all have noticed that whenever we are sick, one of the most important thing that we cannot circumvent, is medicines. But, at the same time, we all believe that it is not one of the most pleasant things around. 

However, it is not the same with diabetes. You can still enjoy some of your favorite foods and include some in your regular diet. With the right selection of diet, the signs and symptoms of diabetes can be reversed. Through effective foods we can control our blood sugar three times more effectively and better than with any other standard diets. By eating some foods like vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fruits, we can improve on how our body responds to insulin and reverses the symptoms.

The right choice of food: High-Risk / Low-Risk

There has been numerous studies conducted on the role of food on diabetes reversal. And almost all of these studies have showcases certain common outcomes like: consumption of magnesium rich foods like whole grains, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and beans, reduces the risks of the diseases, whereas, foods like red meats increases the risks more. 

Food groups like whole grains are rich sources or vitamins, mineral, bran and fiber. People who regular include whole grains in their diet have lower concentration of insulin and cholesterol as compared to people who intake more of refined flour, sugar and processed foods like cookies, cakes and white breads. The fibers in whole foods are the most effective element against diabetes and its reversal. 

Diabetes reversal is about putting diabetes in the reverse gear without the support of any medication. Although experts say that the chances are low for reversal if you are on medication. Eating a well-balanced diet ensures that you do not have any metabolic issues. Protein is another thing that should be considered seriously for diabetics. It helps in the repair of damaged cell membranes. Studies sat the increase in protein consumption possibly could aid the cell’s ability to start accepting insulin. Vegetables in the diet will help reverse diabetic symptoms because it provides the necessary vital nutrients

Let’s peep into some of the most effective foods that could be effective in the reversal process:

  • Beans

High end carbohydrates are amongst those foods that quite effectively raises out blood glucose levels. It is said so because carbs do the thing very slowly and is quite impactful. But, at the same time it is to be noticed that this effect can be neutralized by adding a good amount of protein along with some healthy fats in our diets. Beans and its many varieties are really good sources of lean proteins along with soluble fibers and high quality carbs. Beans are not just great to keep the blood sugar levels stabilized, but also keeps hunger at bay and puts us in a position to reverse the effects of diabetes. 

  • Avocado

This is one food which falls in the fruits category and is available all around the globe. The fruit is a rich source of monounsaturated fats, which is not only makes it one of the healthiest foods for human consumption and having a good quality and quantity of monounsaturated fats in the diet but also considerably improves our insulin sensitivity. Insensitivity to insulin is one of the major reasons for the development of type II diabetes. Simple, it can be put that increasing the consumption of avocado on a regular basis can help reverse diabetes. 

  • Almonds

As said earlier, nuts and seeds are very effective for diabetics and almonds in particular. Along with magnesium, the most valuable mineral to metabolise carbohydrates, almonds are good source of quality monounsaturated fats and low carbohydrates. Studies suggest that a diet rich in magnesium can reduce the chances of developing diabetes to almost 30%. All of these benefits makes almonds a perfect food for diabetes reversal. 

  • Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, especially kale and collard greens are considered as super healthy foods. Both alone can provide us more than our daily recommended dose of certain vitamins like A and K. They are greens that are power packed with nutrients in small packages. The potassium in kale and other leafy greens are effective in managing blood pressure issues. It is no fluke that it is considered as a superfood and reverse diabetes. 

  • Yogurt

Excellent to taste and creamy in nature is yoghurt, But, it is the low-fat ones that naturally contains the goddesses of both – high quality proteins and quality carbohydrates. Both, of which helps in the slowing down and unnatural rise in blood glucose levels. It is thereby, becomes an important food for people who are looking for all possible means to reverse diabetes.

Certain studies also confirms that foods high in calcium contents are quite instrumental in fighting diabetes and helps reducing the risks of type 2 diabetes. Always keep in mind that you opt for a low-fat band of yoghurt. 

Breaking the never ending cycle of diabetes

In order to reverse diabetes, it is said that you need the break the vicious cycle of insulin and blood glucose levels. A diet low to very low in carbohydrate is known to be one of the most effective ways to reverse the effects of diabetes. 

Diet low in carbohydrate are known to lower the amount of insulin the body needs to produce, resulting in lesser insulin resistance. When you cut out the carbohydrates from your diet, your blood sugar goes down, and you not only lose weight but it lowers the blood sugar much further. A diet high in fat and proteins and low to very low in carbohydrates makes the fatty acids been burned for energy and even the ones stored in tissues like liver and muscles. 

When our liver and muscles starts accumulating fat

, they begin rejecting insulin in a natural effort to block more energy. This essentially means that the more fats we eat, the weaker our insulin becomes.

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