WomenFitness India

World Obesity Day: Yoga to fight Stubborn Fat

Obesity refers to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. It can lead to serious health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Trying yoga asanas for obesity can be worthwhile as it is known for burning calories.

World Obesity Day (4 March) is a unified day of action that calls for a cohesive, cross-sector response to the obesity crisis. This year’s campaign theme is ‘Let’s Talk About Obesity And…’.

Practicing yoga asanas for fighting stubborn hip and waist fat due to a sedentary lifestyle is a safer, healthier option with long-lasting benefits.

Obesity Day: Yoga Asanas to Reduce Unwanted Fat

1) Ustrasana
Ustrasana involves deep backward bending of the body that is performed while kneeling. Also known as camel pose, its role is to open up the whole front part of the body through stretching of the hips and spine. It is also helpful to reduce the fat from the thighs and lower back. It stimulates and activates the thyroid gland which ultimately increases metabolism.

2) Utkatasana
The largest muscle in the body is involved while practicing this asana. It is recommended to hold the pose as long as you are comfortable. The longer you hold the pose the more beneficial it is and more calories get burned. It enhances the sense of balance. Doing this pose with weight resistance can fasten the process of hip and waist fat reduction.

3) Naukasana
Naukasana or Paripurna Navasana also known as boat pose. This is an asana for those who are trying to lose stubborn belly and waist fat. It burns the fat from the thighs, hips, and waist as well as tones the abs. It improves the health of the abdominal organs such as the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It regulates your sugar levels and eases constipation by stimulating the abdominal organs and regulating digestion.

yoga poses for lordosis

4) Purvottanasana
Known as the upward plank pose. It translates to an intense eastward-facing stretch. It is a somehow difficult pose for the beginner but builds core strength including leg muscles, inner thighs, and thorax to a great extent. It opens up the chest. The holding positions require quite a strength. Thus it tones the back, hips, wrists, and shoulders. It helps significantly in reducing the waistline and flattening the tummy.

5) Upavistha Konasana
It is now evident that regular yoga (Konasana) may positively impact obesity by reducing body weight and excess body fat. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare approved the Konasana for managing obesity. This asana engages the legs, buttocks, thighs, spine, chest, and arms muscles, and also involves the heart and lungs. Giving a stretch to the whole body requires attention to the form and alignment and works on much-ignored inner thighs. It builds strength and flexibility, besides wonderfully working on toning the waist and hips.

6) Shalabhasana
This simple backbend stretch strengthens your entire back body, from neck to toes. It treats a wide range of problems including lower back pain, postural problems, weakness, or soreness anywhere around your back body, including hips and hamstrings. It strengthens the leg muscles thus reducing arthritis of the knees. Incorrect practice can cause cramps in the leg muscles or lower back so be conscious while performing this yoga asana or perform it under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

7) Ardha Mastyendrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana is considered a nightmare for obese individuals as they find it difficult to bend their knees and pull them to the chest because their belly restricts them. However

, it is one of the best exercises to help lower excessive fat. This pose energizes the spine, twisting and wrangling out all the stiffness from your back. It relieves the upper and middle back pain


, stretching the shoulders, hips, and neck. It also removes the pain due to sciatica.

8) Setu Bandhasana
This asana is known to calm the central nervous system. Lie down on your back

, bend your knees, keep your feet flat on the floor, and press down. Now push your torso up, placing your hand under your hips, palm facing down. Your head and neck remain on the floor flat. This pose works on the thyroid, glutes, shoulder, spine, thighs, and back, which helps to improve digestion and muscle tone, reduce hypertension and menopause symptoms, and is therefore great for weight loss.

9) Malasana
Malasana strengthens your spine, and buttocks and also opens up the hip muscles, stretches, and contracts the abdomen thus resulting in the strengthening of the digestive tract. Try to stay in the same pose for about a few seconds before you relax for maximum benefits.

10) Natarajasana
It stretches out the shoulders, and hamstrings, and opens up the hips. As one needs to balance and stretch at the same time it requires focus and concentration. With regular practice, it has been effective in helping in a balanced thought process.

Indulge in the practice of yoga and build those lean muscles everyone is envious of. Pranayama, or breathing exercise, is excellent yoga for obesity or weight loss. This, combined with good eating habits, can help control obesity.

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