WomenFitness India

Resistance Band Workout for Travelers

Resistance Band Workout for Travelers

A resistance band is a great travel workout aid because it’s an effective resistance-training tool and yet it folds up into the tiniest of spaces. There are different brands and styles, but basically aresistance band looks like a giant rubber band (some have handles), and you stretch it to work your muscles. They are great for beginners, cheap and extremely portable.

For the exercises indicated below, you need a resistance band or tube with handles, one that’s long enough for you to stretch from the floor to over your head. They come in different levels of resistance – try a pliable tube to start off with.

Try to work up to 20 reps for each exercise while performing your resistance band workout. (If it’s your first time, start with five or however many you can or have time to do).

WF fitness trainers suggest that you perform the following exercises (after warming and stretching) in the order indicated, without resting in between, to get an added cardio workout.

Squat press 

Muscle Worked: Thighs (quads), Backs of legs (hamstrings), Shoulders (deltoids), and the Backs of your arms (triceps).


  • Start by standing on the tube with your feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides, palms up, holding the ends of the tube. With your shoulders back, and chest forward, inhale and squat back as if you were sitting in a chair. As you sit, bend your hands are in front of your shoulders. Make sure that your knees are over your feet and not extended over your toes during the squat.
  • Next, exhale and rise, straightening your arms over your head, while turning your palms forward. When your arms are straight, squeeze your shoulders, contracting the muscles.
  • Slowly lower your arms while turning your palms so they face behind you, working the triceps as you bring your arms down as before, and squat again

One-Arm Chest Lift

Muscle Worked: Chest (pectorals) and Front shoulder muscles (deltoids).


  • Start by standing with your feet on the tube, hip-width apart. With a straight back, abs tight, and shoulders back, place one hand on your hip and one straight by your side, while holding the band.
  • Exhale and extend the straight arms up and across your body, keeping your elbow straight but not locked.
  • Contract your chest muscles at the top. Lower slowly and repeat for desired reps, then repeat with the bother arm.

Upright row 

Resistance Band Workout for Travelers
Muscle Worked:
 Front and side Shoulder muscles (deltoids).

  • Stand with your feet on the tube, hip-width apart. Keep your back straight (not arched), shoulders back, and chest out.
  • Pull the tube straight up to your shoulders, palms in, with your elbows out. Keep the tube in line with your legs and body. At the top of the movement, your hands should be in front of your shoulders, and elbows out at shoulder height. Lower to starting position
  • Raise the tube again, this time out to the side with your arms straight but not locked, until your arms arms are straight out to the sides at shoulder height. Lower to starting position, and repeat for desired reps

Overhead press 

Muscle Worked: Backs of arms (triceps) and Shoulders (deltoids).


  • Stand with your back straight, and one foot behind you standing on the tube.
  • With both hands, raise the tube straight overhead, then slowly lower behind your head. Your elbows should be up by your temples, hands behind head.
  • Lift the tube back up so your arms are straight but not locked. Repeat for desired reps.

Forward curl 

Muscle Worked: Upper arms (biceps).

  • Stand with your feet on the tube, hip-width apart.
  • With your back straight, shoulders back and arms by your sides, and with palms up, curl your arms up as in a basic bicep cur.
  • Lower slowly and repeat 15-20 times.

Resistance Band Workout for Travelers

Side curl 

Muscle Worked: Upper arms (biceps).


  • Stand with your feet on the tube, hip-width apart.
  • With your back straight, shoulders back and arms by your sides, and with palms turning out and arms bent away from the body. At the top, your palms should face your body, at shoulder height. Lower and repeat.

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