Namita Nayyar:
Talk about your experience of working in Bollywood, with Ranveer Singh, how as an actor it was different from your past work?

Shalini Pandey
Working in Bollywood , itself was so overwhelming because Hindi is my first language and working in other languages be it Telugu comes with its own difficulties , and then working alongside Ranveer Singh who is so loved among his fans and admired and I am one of them who look upto him so it was really memorable. To answer how it was different is that every actor has a different approach upon how he looks up to a scene and performs so it was different experience which can’t be compared
Namita Nayyar:
Women Fitness India talks about celebrity diets and fitness regime, do you follow any special diet? What is your favourite cheat meal?
Shalini Pandey
I don’t follow any special diet, since my childhood days I was never into junk food, I prefer clean food
also have been a vegetarian for the major part of my life so that has really helped In maintaining a
good and healthy lifestyle.
I have been a very active person since my childhood days, not been a person who likes going to the
gym a lot but I love doing outdoor activities be it playing badminton or doing hiking.
My cheat meal has to be biryani! It’s something I really love.
Namita Nayyar
What is your fitness routine? How do you manage it along with your work schedules?
Shalini Pandey
I try working out every day, but when I miss out I still try to go for a walk or do 10-minute of surya namaskar. Certain days I might just take my dogs for a run, the key is to stay active as much as you
can that is very important and to enjoy doing so.

Namita Nayyar:
Being on the cover of Women Fitness India, you are an inspiration to our readers, how would you define mental fitness for our readers?
Shalini Pandey
Mental Fitness is important more than anything in this world, because you might be fit physically but
when it comes to being fit mentally its more important, especially in today’s era when you are
consuming so much through social media it’s very important to understand where to put a full stop
and what to imbibe. Taking out time for one self is equally important be it going for brisk walk,
spending time with your loved ones , or journaling your thoughts. The key is to prioritise yourself!
Namita Nayyar:
Lastly, your upcoming projects and message for the New Year 2024
Shalini Pandey
I have a few projects lined up with Amazon and Netflix, there is another film titled Maharaj with YRF
which will be coming on Netflix next year, besides that I hope that 2024 is full of success and health
for every one of us. A mentally stable new year.
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This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of Women Fitness