WomenFitness India

How To Stop Negative Thinking

By Dr. Karishma Ahuja,

Law of Attraction trainer, Hypnotherapist & Metaphysical Counsellor
stop negative thoughts

We all know how Negative thoughts and feelings make us feel drained and play havoc with our mental & consequently our physical health. But what do we do when negative thoughts refuse to leave us?…

The next time you become aware of the negative thoughts running in your mind, do not get ‘Upset’ that you cannot get rid of them or cannot stop them. Instead Get Up and Set the course for the rest of your day with a SMILE. Yes. Smile for a while, flex your facial muscles and say to your negative thoughts ‘Next please’. Keep repeating ‘Next please’ and before you know the negative thoughts would have passed. 

Another thing you could do to shift from the downward trend of your negative thinking is a ‘Past Happy event Recall’. You may think of the best thing that happened to you today, then yesterday, then the last one week, then last month, keep going one by one to the most memorable moments of your life. Congrats! You have already made the shift. Recalling past happy moments is a great way to shift your focus and therefore your energy. It is important to realise that today the problem we are experiencing is not that we are not using our minds properly, the problem is we are not using our minds at all, The Mind is using us. Therefore, we got to ‘Make our Mind our ally’ first then it will be our greatest asset and strength. So do not hate your thoughts, do not try to stop them, instead work towards shifting your focus and thoughts to happy and positive ones. If you keep resisting something, it’s only going to grow bigger and bigger. This is how our mind works. The key is to Accept what is and then work towards changing it for the better with patience and love, whether it’s a thought or a habit you are trying to overcome. 

Stop Negative Thinking

Have fun with your thoughts. Make sure just as you stop by to ask other people how they are doing, so also take time out in the day to ask yourself, Hey how are you feeling? Whatever answer you get, remember, these are your feelings, and your feelings are not someone else’s fault. When you recognize and understand this completely, you are ready to take full responsibility for how you feel and most importantly you are ready to take the right steps to change it. The Next time you are not feeling good, remember you are just one step and thought away from changing your mood and therefore your reality. When we feel good, we are always moving closer to the things we want. This is because feeling good is an indication of our Alignment with the all-powerful, ever- giving Universe. In the end, ‘Feeling good’ is all that we need to Create the Reality we wish to experience.

I wish you Happy and Healthy days ahead!

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