WomenFitness India

The Benefits Of Seaweed Oil For Skin

By Dr. Nirupama Parwanda, Dermatologist & Founder – Zolie Skin Clinic

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When it comes to hidden secrets buried under the earth, water bodies happen to be the Pandora box of them. One such thing lying under the water is seaweed which is a gift sent from heaven for our skin. Now you might think isn’t it the same seaweed that Asian people eat? Well, you are correct about it.

What is seaweed?

Seaweed aka sea vegetable is a type of algae which grows up next to the rocky shores inside the sea. They are a source of nutrition for the water kingdom as well as the people who consume it. Eating seaweed as a part of their diet is a common tradition in many Asian cultures like Japanese and Korean. Since it is something which reduces the risk of heart attack and also helps in keeping the gut healthy it can be found in abundance and variety.

But if you thought seaweed was something only good for the inside of our body then you might be surprised to know how wonderful it is for our skin. So without any further ado let’s directly jump onto the most common questions raised by people when it comes to dealing with seaweed and the best possible way to inculcate seaweed in your beauty regime.

What are some of the benefits of seaweed for our skin?

The Benefits Of Seaweed Oil For Skin

Anti-oxidant- with the terrible amount of dust and oils getting accumulated in your skin pores it can be essential for you to go for deep cleaning experience. This deep cleaning experience can be easily achieved with the help of seaweed. Seaweed contains anti-oxidant properties which can be very beneficial for anyone who is looking for a pampering TLC to get rid of excessive tanning and blackheads.

Goodbye acne- being high in omega and zinc, seaweed extracts can be used to battle acne. Omega, zinc, and magnesium can be called the blocking and protecting agents which act as a barrier around hard water and other sources of infection. This can help you curb the slightest possibility of an outbreak of infection on your skin.

Anti-inflammatory- if you are tired of red patches all around your face or are looking for ways to deal with discoloration then seaweed extract might save your skin. Seaweeds are rich in Vitamin B and C which can undo the sun damage, exposure to pollution, hyper-pigmentation, red patches, and uneven skin tone. All in all, seaweed can be termed as the holy grail for skin related issues.

Hair- seaweed isn’t something which might only help you in achieving a healthy face but something which might help out your hair as well. Seaweed extracts can work as a great hair mask to reverse the damage caused by styling products. Seaweed tends to target our roots and that is how our hair is able to absorb all the nutrition and undo the damage.

Collagen production- collagen can be explained as the building blocks of our skin layer. Anything which produces or boosts the production of collagen is going to keep our skin looking youthful and radiant. Once we cross a certain age, the production of collagen comes to a halt which results in fine lines and wrinkles. However, using products which boost the production of collagen can help you stop the aging clock. Seaweed specifically is one such product which will keep your skin forever young and glowing.

How to use seaweed?

The Benefits Of Seaweed Oil For Skin

If you are someone who is looking for the easier way out, then definitely opt for skincare products in the market. One thing we must realize is seaweed isn’t something which is going to be easily available in the market at your disposal or is going to be something very affordable. Thus, opting for skincare products with seaweed extracts in them is the best way to inculcate it in your skin regime. This way you don’t have to go through the hassle of choosing fresh seaweed or cutting a huge hole in your pocket. The products available in the market aren’t inexpensive but are going to last you relatively for a longer period of time.

However, if you are someone who has gotten their hands on some good quality seaweed and want to opt for the natural approach then using it in the form of a face pack is the best way to absorb all its benefits.

Here is an easy DIY Zolie skin mask:

Ingredients needed

  • Seaweed- 1tbsp
  • Honey- 1tbsp
  • Aloe vera gel- 1tbsp
  • Water- 2tbsp

How to:

Most of the time the seaweed available in the market is either in the form of small blocks or thin sheets; depending upon the availability you could opt for either of them. Take two seaweed sheets (or two blocks) and then grind them thoroughly to make it into a powder-like consistency. Two sheets are going to be sufficient to apply in on the face. Mix the raw honey and aloe vera gel along with lukewarm water inside the powder to get a paste-like consistency. Once you are happy with the thickness of the paste you can apply it evenly on your face. Leave it for about 25 minutes and let it rest before washing it off and patting your face dry.  Using lukewarm water to wash off the seaweed is highly recommended.

Pro-tip- if you are allergic to aloe vera or honey you can always switch them up with a carrier oil or an essential oil. Use it at least twice a week for best results.

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