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Yoga to heal Constipation

Yoga to heal Constipation

Constipation is a common problem. Every woman in her lifetime faces this problem at some point in time. This condition should be treated or else it could lead to many more serious problems. The main problem with constipation is that the stool becomes hard and the person is unable to pass it with ease. Yoga could help a person to overcome constipation. The followingasanas have proven to be helpful.


Signs and Symptoms of Constipation

The stool is hard and difficult to pass, Headache, languor, depression, coated tongue, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, anemia  and eruptions of an urticarial type are some of the symptoms. Sometimes, there is temperature, which rises upto 1020 F. The retention of the stools is followed by alternating diarrhoea, which sometimes leads to wrong diagnosis. Straining to pass stool may cause hemorrhoids and anal fissures. In later stages of constipation, the abdomen may become distended and diffusely tender and crampy, occasionally with enhanced bowel sounds.

Yogasanas for constipation problems.

Yoga to heal Constipation

  • Surya Namaskara- The Sun Salutation is a prayer in motion. Surya namaskar consists of a sequence of twelve postures performed continuously and combined with synchronized breathing. Each position counteracts the preceding one producing a balance between flexions and extensions. Surya Namaskar has several benefits. It activates almost all the glands of the endocrinal system. Because of this internal activation, the pancreas, adrenal, thyroid, pituitary and some other glands begin to secrete their respective hormones in normal way. Surya Namaskara corrects disorders of the pancreas, liver and cure constipation, wind troubles, indigestion, acidity, intestinal disorder. Click here, to learn how to perform Surya Namaskar.
  • Pavanamukta Asana- The Sanskrit word pavana means air or wind and mukta means freedom or release, therefore this is the “wind relieving posture” so named because it assists in releasing trapped digestive gas from the stomach and intestines. It is also improves other gastrointestinal problems like upset stomachs and constipation by stimulating the abdominal region. For instructions, click here.

Yoga to heal Constipation

  • Hala Asana- Halasana means a plough.Stretching our body in a way that resembles the plough is called as Halasana. This particular Asana helps us building our muscles, especially the backmuscles, regulates the blood flow in our body and would regulate constipation due to weak abdominal muscles. This Asana can be performed for duration of couple of minutes. For instructions, click here.
  • Tada Asana- The proper execution and continual practice of the tada-asana along with other postures helps to re-train the body to stand correctly and reverse the negative effects of poor posture. Many common ailments and discomforts can be traced to poor posture. If the spine is not properly aligned or if there is tightness or stiffness in the back, the result is often an imbalance in the body. When this imbalance becomes chronic many kinds of disorders arise in the organs, glands and nervous system. For instructions, click here.
  • The Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)- Stretching the legs on the ground like a stick and catching hold of the toes with the hands and curving the body like a bow is called Dhanurasana. Bow posture keeps the spine healthy and flexible, removes the nervous debility and helpful in relieving the pitta disorders and constipation, improves digestion and massage entire back. For instruction,click here.

Yoga to heal Constipation

  • The Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)- The word Sarvangasana is formed from the Sanskrit words ‘sarva’ and ‘anga,’ where ‘sarva’ means all and ‘anga’ means body. In this Asana, all the body parts are involved harmoniously. It brings relief from pains in the back part of the neck. Sarvangasana is advised for persons suffering from constipation, indigestion,asthma and reduced virility. This asana is known as the “Mother” pose, the Queen of the asanas. For instructions, click here.
  • The Peacock Pose (Mayurasana)- Mayurasana is a good exercise for liver as well as pancreas. It is very helpful for diabetic patients also. It is best asana for strengthen arms, shoulders, abdomen and back. Mayurasana is helpful to improve balance. It develops the chest. This exercise has good effect on the expelling action of the colon. It is beneficial for obesity, constipation and piles. For instructions, click here.
  • Trikonasana- The term ‘Trikonasana’ is derived from the Sanskrit words ‘Tri’ meaning ‘three’; ‘Kona’ referring to ‘angle’; ‘Trikona’ connoting triangle and ‘Asana’ meaning ‘Posture’. Therefore ‘Trikonasana’ means assuming a posture whereby your feet resembles the three sides a triangle. Trikonasana has advantages for the entire body – therapeutical as well as physical. This asana stimulates the abdominal organs, thereby helping to relieve constipation and indigestion, restoring the digestive fire and stimulating the appetite.Also, helps the colon and assists a person to pass stool normally. For instructions, click here.

Yoga to heal Constipation

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana- Ardha Matsyendrasana massages the pancreas, kidneys, stomach, small intestines, liver and gall bladder. This region also corresponds to Manipura chakra, a major plexus of nadis- therefore stimulating and unblocking this region enhances the vitality and health of the whole body. Ardha Matsyendrasana can regulate the secretion of adrenaline and bile and is recommended in the yogic management ofdiabetes, sinusitis, hay fever, bronchitis, constipation, menstrual disorders and urinary tract disorders. For instructions, click here.
  • Abdominal Lifts- The Abdominal Lift is considered one of the most essential, not only for its physical values, but also for the way it influences our spiritual development by ridding the body, and therefore the mind, of impurities. Not only does the constant practice of it bring relief from chronic constipation and indigestion but it also strengthens flabbyabdominal muscles and so improves the figure. For exercise instruction,click here.

These asanas specially target the abdominal region of your body. In executing them you will find a natural remedy for constipation. If curing constipation is a much needed process, then you need to undertake Yoga as a choice for physical therapy, together with other methods will not hurt and could possibly help immensely.

Along with asanas also follow high fiber diet. Take light meals including fresh foods, vegetables and salads. Avoid starch consumption, spices, fats, excessive salt. Drink plenty of water.

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