WomenFitness India

Top 20 Most Healthy Foods You Can Find In The Kitchen

By Ms. Preety Tyagi

Nutritionist, Founder My22BMI

To lead a prosperous and successful life one should take care of his or her health. People should have the idea that which food is good for health and which should be avoided. Usually people run here and there when they get hungry and normally forgets about the food which are available in the kitchen. Health is not only hidden in the bottle of magic pills or powders, there are lots of natural foods available in our kitchen which are equally healthy and tasty. Some of them are really high in fiber, micro nutrients whereas others are rich in protein and antioxidants. In order to stay healthy we often look for some supplements/ magic foods without thinking about their negative effect on our metabolic system. These short cuts can leave a deep impact on one’s health. Here at My22BMI we always believe in completely natural and zero processed foods as they can really help you to keep your gut clean and healthy, gifting you a disease free body.

After coming across a lot of fancy diets spread over the internet, to avoid the confusion, My22BMI has created a list of healthy foods, all of which you can easily get in your kitchen and incorporate in your daily diet to stay healthy. Let’s have a look at it!


When we talk about healthy foods, spinach tops it. This superfood is not only rich in fiber but also it contains micronutrients like beta carotene, vitamin K, manganese, folate, iron, copper, calcium, potassium and vitamin C. All of them are having a deep impact on your body’s metabolic processes, immunological system and weight maintenance.

The best way to consume spinach is along with a rich source of vitamin C such as lemon juice or orange juice.


Apples are high in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants which make it one of the most healthy foods. An apple a day can literally keep the doctor away by improving your immunological health condition.

The best time to consume Apples is during morning snack. After breakfast and before lunch.


The name of garlic would always be on the higher side in a healthy food list. Garlic has multiple health benefits. Nutritionally it is a superfood. Name any micronutrient and you will surely find that in garlic. “Allicin” – the antioxidant, found in garlic not only reduces inflammation, but also it helps to prevent conditions like heart disease and cancer.


Turmeric is another healthy food that is potent to reduce inflammation. “Curcumin” is the name of the antioxidant that we find in turmeric has been proven to reduce issues like cancer, heart disease, alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and depression.


Avocado, the mostly eaten super healthy fruit in keto diet, is loaded with good fats. The low sugar content of this fruit makes it unique in nature. The soft textured fruit can be used in salads or other easy diet foods, bread spread or as a dip.

Chicken Breast

Boneless chicken breast contains 31 gram protein and thus it is one of the most important items of healthy food list. The protein is of high quality and helps to meet almost 50% of our daily protein requirement. Grilled, baked, roasted breast could be a part of a complete meal or can be added to soups and salads in shredded form.


Egg is a balanced and super healthy food that contains all the essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals in perfect proportion. Recent studies have shown that the cholesterol present in egg yolk is not responsible of blood cholesterol enhancement. Hence it is completely safe to consume whole eggs too.

Best time to consume eggs is during breakfast in the mornings.


Carrot, the main ingredient of salads and many dishes, is not only tasty and crunchy, but also it is loaded with beta carotene, the precursor of vitamin A. Also the fiber content of carrot is quite high which makes it one of the most healthy foods.

Carrots are best consumed, boiled or shallow fried.


Broccoli tastes great both raw and cooked. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamin K and vitamin C, and contains a decent amount of protein compared to other vegetables.

Indian Gooseberry

The healthy food Indian gooseberry or amla contains the highest amount of vitamin C among all fruits and veggies. Also it works as a very good detoxifying agent. Amla helps to increase immunity.

The best time to have amla is early morning. Make amla water your detox drink and start a healthy day.


Like milk, curd is also a good source of calcium. Curd is easily digestible compared to milk. The pro biotic present in curd improves our digestion capacity. Curd is low in calories and lactic acid present in curd has multiple health benefits. Thus, curd has secured its place in the list of most healthy foods.

In ayurveda, it is advisable to avoid curd in night time.


Nuts can be referred to as nature’s immunity shots. They are rich in numerous micronutrients all of which are having a profound effect on our body’s metabolic and immunological system.My22BMI suggests to replace junk with these healthy foods and munch on nuts like almonds, walnuts, pista, macadamia, cashew etc to curb small hunger during the day.


This super healthy foods are extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which makes them one of the most heart healthy foods. Dry roasted flax seeds powder is neutral in taste, hence can be added in dal, soup, salad and buttermilk.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is high in healthy saturated fat and compared to other fats, it works differently in the human body. Studies have shown that coconut oil has fat burning properties, also it is helpful to raise the HDL level in blood. Coconut oil is also beneficial for skin health.


Dates are the powerhouse of quick energy. These tiny natural candies are extremely rich in iron and this is what makes it unique food. My22BMI suggests you to eat dates to curb sweet cravings and sugar level fluctuation. Dates can be eaten as a pre work out food also.


This gluten-free, high protein and high fiber grains can be eaten at anytime of the day to meet your daily requirements of nutrients. Quinoa porridge, pulao, salad etc all are extremely delicious and healthy.

Incorporate these healthy foods to your daily diet so that you can enjoy their benefits

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