WomenFitness India

Top 10 Organic Lip-smacking Soups for the Family

By Dr. Hemapriya, Mylittlemoppet_official

Few things can match the comfort of a warm bowl of soup on a cold winter’s night. As the weather gets colder, our bodies naturally crave simple, warm liquids, and soups are what tick all the right boxes!

According to Ayurveda, winter is the season of the Kapha dosha, and sometimes of aggravated Vata dosha too. The ideal Ayurvedic winter diet pacifies these doshas and includes home-cooked food and warm drinks. Soup is perfect in this regard too, and it also helps to revive a sluggish digestive fire. 

organic soup

Here are some more benefits of including soups in your family’s diet:

1. Packed with nutrition. Soups are perfect to sneak in a variety of vegetables, especially the ones that are in season. The cooking process of soups ensures that the nutrients stay intact, especially since the cooking water is retained along with the fiber. You can also add proteins and grains to soups to turn them into a full meal.

2. Help manage weight. Obesity is a growing problem these days and is slated to be the next global epidemic. Consuming soups at the start of a meal prevents overeating, as it improves satiety – especially if you include proteins like legumes or lean meat. Studies show that people who regularly eat soup tend to consume lower calories overall.

3. Easy to prepare. If you don’t want to spend too long preparing different dishes for dinner, all you need is a soup that is a meal in itself. Most soups can be left to cook while you do other tasks. You can make soup out of pretty much any ingredient you have at home. Soups are also easy to freeze for later and are perfect for bulk cooking.

4. Improve hydration. Winter means that we tend to sweat less and feel thirsty less often. This means that we may consume less water than our bodies require. Soups ensure that we stay hydrated even during the cold months so that we stay healthy and get our quota of fluids.

5. Boost immunity. Winters are a time when we tend to catch every bug passing by as our defenses come down. Soups help boost immunity since they often use healing ingredients like garlic, onion, spices, and herbs. The hot liquid also offers symptomatic relief if you’re suffering from sniffles.

While soups have a load of benefits, it’s important to make sure that your soups are made the right way. Many commercially available soups are thickened with ingredients like heavy cream, corn starch, or a mix of butter and flour. These are high in calories with little nutrition and can nullify the health benefits of soups. Commercial soups are also generally high in sodium, which can increase the risk for hypertension and kidney disease.

That’s why it’s best to make our own soups at home, using organic ingredients as far as possible. Using organic ingredients ensures that we get all their benefits without the ill effects of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

Top 10 Lip-Smacking Organic Soups to Try at Home

1. Pumpkin Soup

pumpkin soup


  • 1 cup pumpkin, peeled and chopped
  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ghee
  • Salt and black pepper powder to taste


  1. Heat ghee in a pan. Add the garlic and sauté for a few seconds.
  2. Add the sliced onions and fry until they turn soft.
  3. Toss in the pumpkin pieces and stir fry for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Add 1½ cups of water followed by salt and black pepper and give a quick stir.
  5. Cover and cook the soup on a low flame till the pumpkin turns soft.
  6. When cool, blend the mix either with a hand blender or in a blender to get a smooth and creamy soup.
  7. Top the warm soup with fresh cream or serve it as it is with some garlic bread for a comforting light meal.

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