Ms. Namita Nayyar
People often wonder if think face yoga works, your take on the same?
Ms. Zarina Del
Face Yoga is a workout for the face. We have overworked and sleeping muscles on the face. Face Yoga helps to relax and rejuvenate the overworked muscles and awaken and strengthen the sleeping/atrophied muscles. As a result, the skin attached to these muscles also becomes firmer, tighter, and plumper. Face Yoga definitely works if done correctly and consistently. This is why I created a 5 week Face Yoga program which is a step-by-step guided approach to help people get the best version of their face at any age.
The Face Chi Face Yoga method is a combination of face exercises, face massage and posture exercises to enhance the body’s natural systems of muscle rejuvenation, circulation, and lymphatic drainage. As a result, you will see a more lifted, toned, sculpted face and plump glowing skin if done correctly and consistently.
Ms. Namita Nayyar
Does face yoga target different dermatological problems like acne, and wrinkles?
Ms. Zarina Del
Face Yoga helps to release muscle tension, boost blood circulation, and collagen production, and facilitate lymphatic drainage(removal of toxins/fluids). It works on all layers of the face, the muscles, connective tissue, fat, and skin. As a result, it can help with softening fine lines/wrinkles. With acne, it depends on the cause of the acne. While Face Yoga can help to heal acne faster, it will not prevent acne from re-occurring until the root cause of the acne is addressed. While Face Yoga helps with an overall improvement in skin tone and texture, it does not target specific dermatological issues.

Ms. Namita Nayyar
Besides face yoga, what other types of yoga do you practice? Share benefits of Face Yoga.
Ms. Zarina Del
- I also practice Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga. I have been doing Yoga and breathwork for the last 19 years and it is an important part of my daily ritual.
- Face Yoga has many health and beauty benefits. A lifted, toned and sculpted face, tighter plumper skin, longer leaner neck, reduced fine lines/wrinkles, natural glow, improved facial symmetry and mobility, reduced tension headaches & sinus congestion, improved sleep, reduced puffiness and bloating. A healthy face is a beautiful face.