Ms. Namita Nayyar
With International Yoga Day around the corner, what does yoga mean to you? How has it played a role in your life?
Ms. Zarina Del
Yoga, (both face and body) has helped me establish and leverage a mind-face-body-spirit connection. Besides the obvious physical benefits of Yoga, it has deepened my spiritual and emotional connections and helped me re-connect with myself at a deeper level. One of the amazing benefits of Yoga is how the practice resonates through other areas of your life too and improves overall well-being.
Ms. Namita Nayyar
Women Fitness India talks about celebrity diets, do you follow any special diets? Your go-to mid-day snacks?
Ms.Zarina Del
I have never dieted in my life. I try and eat healthy whole foods most of the time, but also allow myself to occasionally indulge in foods that I love. I ensure I get enough protein through my diet and hydrate sufficiently. My go-to mid-day snacks would be an apple with peanut butter, a protein shake, or egg and avocado on toast.

Ms. Namita Nayyar
Besides being into face yoga you are also certified in dermatology
, how do you blend both when consulting your clientsMs. Zarina Del
I got my certification in Dermatology in Australia 2 years ago and this has enhanced my knowledge of facial anatomy and the skin even further. This enables me to adopt a more holistic approach to help my clients get the best version of their faces naturally. It is important to work on the face from the inside-out (Face Yoga) and the outside-in (skincare & lifestyle). I am able to give my clients advice, not only on facial exercises and massage but also on skincare and lifestyle habits that will further enhance their results.
Ms.Namita Nayyar:
Lastly, your message for our readers on how Face yoga is important for overall wellness along with mental and physical attributes
Ms.Zarina Del:
The numerous wellness and beauty benefits of Face Yoga can be very empowering. Face Yoga gives you the tools to indulge in self-care and to discover that you can get your best face naturally with just your hands and consistent practice. When you begin to take care of yourself and see positive internal and external changes, it boosts your confidence and self-esteem levels. Face Yoga allows you to re-connect with your face, and accept and love yourself more. All of this boosts mental well-being too. Every face is unique and my mission is to help you get the best version of your face, allowing it to tell its own magical story through Face Yoga.
Know More About Zarina Del
This interview is exclusive and taken by Namita Nayyar, President of womenfitness.org, and should not be reproduced, copied, or hosted in part or full anywhere without express permission.