WomenFitness India

Diipa Buller Khosla On Embracing Motherhood & Keeping The Romance Alive!

Namita Nayyar

A fitness routine that you follow, tips for new moms on weight management?

diipa buller khosla

Diipa Buller Khosla

As a society, we are conditioned to hide our postpartum bodies, almost to be ashamed of loose skin, extra gained weight, and stretch marks. There is so much pressure to ‘bounce back and cover the aftermath of nurturing a human in you for 9 months inside your womb. As mothers, we should be proud of our bodies that grew, nourished, and birthed our precious babies. The advice I’d share with any new mom is to let your body recover from the tiring experience it’s been through, thereafter once your body is stronger, allow yourself to get into a workout regime that is most comfortable for your body. Yoga, jogging, pilates, or even getting back in the gym, are all great options!

Namita Nayyar

You have been applauded by 4x influencer of the year, who is your biggest inspiration and supporter in your journey? Favorite Indian influencer whose work you love

Diipa Buller Khosla

My husband is my biggest support always cheering me on when I win or lose. My mother is my biggest inspiration has been able to raise us kids and how she continues to teach us all she knows. I will always be in awe of her.

My favorite Indian influencer is definitely Masaba! Her designs are impeccable and she generally just is such a badass boss.  

Namita Nayyar

Social Media is both a boon and bane, your thoughts on social media trolling and bullying

Diipa Buller Khosla

Unfortunately, where there is light, there is also darkness… even on social media. We live in a society that is accustomed to hiding behind screen profile names, giving people the power to behave more inhumanely and uncompassionate towards others. Online bullying is a serious problem we face, not many acknowledging the harsh backlash hateful words and actions can cause. As much as it seems simple to ignore comments, we need to tackle the social issue at the core and acknowledge unethical behavior.

Namita Nayyar

You have flawless skin and hair, your favorite organic rituals that you swear by

Diipa Buller Khosla

Flawless features don’t exist! It takes a combination of healthy eating and using products that agree with your skin to achieve healthy-looking skin and hair. I like to keep it simple and use minimal products on both my hair and skin, aiming to use natural ingredients more often.

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